ABCD and the Betty Boards

Do you want to know how the Betty Boards got home? This is the true story. Want to know how the May ’77 (including 5/8/77) and January ’78 and Felt Forum ’71 and 2/26/77 and so many other Dead tapes ended up being released from fresh transfers of the master reels, rather than old DAT transfers? Did you know that Betty now has possession of all of the Garcia Betty Boards?

It’s all there. These guys took the big financial risk of bringing the three main batches back together and sending them home. And they did it not for money, but for love of the music and the community and to do right by Betty Cantor-Jackson.

Thank you, ABCD!!

! seealso:



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12 responses to “ABCD and the Betty Boards”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Please post a list of what they have shared on the torrent site.

  2. Fate Music Avatar

    I don't entirely understand what you are asking for. Hundreds and hundreds of Betty Boards circulate. Some of what ABCD handled does not circulate among collectors, and lots of that is being released by the GD. A good example of this is the July '78 boxset.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    I wanted to see a list of the "Fresh transfers of the master reels, rather than old DAT transfers" from the tapes refereed to in the article that are on the torrent site. As opposed to what has been commercially released.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    "Hundreds and hundreds of Betty Boards circulate."

    Hundreds and hundreds! I must have died and gone to heaven.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    There isnt a list of "fresh transfers of the master reels, rather than old dat transfers"… the only MR>FLAC that I can remember seeing on the trackers in the past few years are 3/19/73, 7/1/73, 7/28/73 and 2/27/77 part. I am not sure if they are related. Other "betty boards" recently offered have additional generations.

    So unless ABCD decides to share the transfers they made prior to selling the reels, you better start saving your pennies.

  6. Fate Music Avatar

    I get it. No, none of those fresh transfers circulates among collectors.

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    They have sat on their copies for years. Everything should be in general circulation. ABCD gets an F in my opinion.

  8. Fate Music Avatar

    It's possible that not circulating stuff was a condition put on by the GD.

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    yes, that would likely be ABCD's excuse for being hoarders.

  10. Fate Music Avatar

    I'm sure you'd love to have the GD lawyers on your ass, Anonymous. And, feel free to post under your own name, the courage of your convictions that what's not yours is yours, and all that.

  11. Anonymous Avatar

    jgmf dont patronize me. I can only post as "anonymous" on your music blog since I dont have the Google. My name is Jeff. No sweat though, I wont post again.

  12. Fate Music Avatar

    All right, peace, Jeff. I am Joe.

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