Best Visions

 I know you all know this, but oh my God.







3 responses to “Best Visions”

  1. Eric Pooley Avatar

    Shaw Nuff. Like I was saying elsewhere, for me this was the last of countless goosebump moments going back to 1975. This tour started in Philly and headed south, and me being a working stiff in NYC and having recently seen too many shows that just made me sad I almost didn’t go, until I did. Held in the light one last time…but I was wrong when I tweeted it was my last show. Three months later, knowing such moments were still possible, my buddy and I motored up to Highgate VT but …. there was nay magik to be found.

  2. RobF Avatar

    Damn. The repeated last line all but brought tears to my eyes.

  3. Fate Music Avatar

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