Brief Encounters of the Weird Kind: JGB at Penn State, December 11, 1977


Again, listening notes may be briefer for awhile. Certainly, these are bullet-style.

David Gans once said something to the effect that Garcia exhibits the shortest distance between spirit and fingertip of any musician he knows. That’s probably not quite right, but it was something like this. A reviewer from this last show of the Fall ’77 JGB tour, Don Foster, sort of alludes to the same notion, in saying  “I’d swear if there was some way of putting a tracer into his vibrations you would see them travel through his body to his fingertips, out to his guitar, and then into the audience.”

I also like Foster’s take here: “The Mystery Cat banner in the background reminded me a lot of Donna Godchaux. She would leave the stage when she was not singing and like a cat reappear mysteriously for her next number.” Very evocative. I’d say the show has a really sleek, unperturbed kind of feline energy to it. Smooth, pretty graceful.

Nice tape. Thank you for the work on it, sirmick. I didn’t compare with other versions – all circulating sources are sbds, presumably from the same root tape. John sounds full and fat, as he would through 1978.

This is a rare Jerry-before-GD performance space.

Peppy “Sitting In Limbo”. I like it. And “I Second That Emotion” finds some nice room that I also dug.

Turns out the “Close Encounters” theme in “Lonesome And A Long Way From Home,” one of a few on the tour, and which I have mentioned before, is extremely brief. But there is more than one encounter here, as after “Love In The Afternoon” we hear some stage talk about aliens, and then, before “Russian Lullaby,” Jerry and John noodle on the famous five-note theme for a good 30 seconds. And, because we focus on Garcia On The Side (GOTS) here, we are contractually obligated to note that this occurs before the Grateful Dead would grapple more fully and wildly with the theme on 1/22/78 in Eugene. Just sayin’.

Band got $12,500 + $2,500 sound and lights for the gig, which only grossed something like 16 grand. Gotta love those student activities budgets! Proft, schmofit, so long as the kids have a good time.

Jerry Garcia Band
Recreation Hall, Penn State University
Curtin Rd.
University Park, PA 16802
December 11, 1977 (Sunday)
sbd sirmick remaster shnid-80773

–set I (5 tracks, 54:22)–
s1t01. How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) [9:22] [0:06] % [0:03]
s1t02. Catfish John [10:04] % [0:07]
s1t03. Simple Twist Of Fate [12:33] %
s1t04. Sitting In Limbo [10:24] [0:07] %
s1t05. Mystery Train [11:31] (1) [0:04]

–set II + encore (8 tracks, 97:56)–
–set II (7 tracks, 79:31)–
s2t01. [0:03] Love In The Afternoon (2) [11:51] % [0:05]
s2t02. I Second That Emotion [14:12] % [0:06]
s2t03. Gomorrah [7:07] % [0:06]
s2t04. Harder They Come [11:32] [0:18] %
s2t05. (3) [0:54] Russian Lullaby [14:29] % [0:04]
s2t06. Tore Up Over You [9:12] [0:09] % [0:03]
s2t07. Mission In The Rain [9:12] % [0:08]
–encore (1 track, 18:25)–
s2t08. Lonesome And A Long Way From Home [18:21] (4) [0:04]

! ACT1: JGB #4
! lineup: Jerry Garcia – el-g, vocals;
! lineup: John Kahn – el-b;
! lineup: Keith Godchaux – piano;
! lineup: Buzz Buchanan – drums;
! lineup: Donna Jean Godchaux – vocals.


! Recording: symbols: % = recording discontinuity; / = clipped song; // = cut song; … = fade in/out; # = truncated timing; [m:ss] = recorded event time. The recorded event time immediately after the song or item name is an attempt at getting the “real” time of the event. So, a timing of [m:ss] right after a song title is an attempt to say how long the song really was, as represented on this recording.

! Jerrybase:

! db: (this fileset), plus lots of other filesets presumably derived from the same root tape.

! band: No Maria Muldaur.

! JGBP: This is a rare Jerry-before-GD hall.

! historical: From Foster review I infer 3,200 attended and 8,600 capacity. But contract makes it clear that capacity is 5,000. Band got $12,500 guarantee, plus 70% over $21,500 (not triggered) plus $2,500 for sound and lights, on gross potential of $25k.

! ad: Daily Collegian, December 1, 1977, p. 17

! exante: “Jerry Garcia Band to perform,” Daily Collegian (Penn State University), December 9, 1977, p. 3;

! exante: Clifford 1977;

! review: [positive] Foster 1977: “I’d swear if there was some way of putting a tracer into his vibrations you would see them travel through his body to his fingertips, out to his guitar, and then into the audience.”

! expost: Wilson 1977

! seealso: JGMF, “JGB: November-December 1977 East Coast Tour Rarities

! R: source: source: sdb > master reel > cassette > pcm > dat > cdr

! R: Seeder comments: – this is a remaster of shnid-6622 – Hiss reduction was attempted on this source once before but the results were not very successful.  I think that this is far more pleasing to the ear – remastered using iZotope Ozone and 4Front Sandbrush – hiss reduction with Waves X-Noise – SIRMick December 2006

! R: Nice tape. I haven’t listened to this show in many years, and I don’t think I have ever heard this sirmick version. It is buttah. The bass tone is as good as the ’78 boards. Man. Later on, some more hiss comes onboard, and sometimes it overloads, but it’s nice to have!

! P: s1t01 HSII the band comes in feeling absolutely groovy right out of the gate. John sounds so amazing, so it’s hard to parse the capture from the playing, but I do think the playing is just wonderful – fluid, inventive, big, playful.

! P: s1t02 CJ nice version, but tempos are a little variable.

! R: s1t03 STOF more hiss

! P: s1t04 SIL done sprightly, maybe peppiest version I have ever heard. In the 7-minute mark it takes a really spare feeling, not much Keith, or he’s way back, anyway. Lovely stuff.

! R: s1t04 SIL splice at 7:09

! s1t05 (1) JG: “We’re gonna take a break for a little while. We’ll be back in a little bit. Thank you.”

! s2t01 (2) at around 7 minute mark, someone says something like “check out the aliens [inaudible]”.

! P: s2t02 ISTE I am not always a big fan of this tune. But Buzzy does some splashing late 7 that really catches my ear, and maybe Jerry’s, because Jerry puts on a little spacier tone and the band gives him a little more room. Just wonderful. 

! s2t05 (3) Jerry and John noodle on the “Close Encounters Theme” for a good 30 seconds here.

! P: s2t05 Russ Lull JK feature 7:58-11:15. Despite the fatter tone, this feature feels more like later ones, very fluttery and not very impressive. Buzzy trying to add some rhythm in the back, but he’s swimming upstream.

! R: s2t07 MITR splice at 1:17

! R: s2t08 LAALWFH splice at 6:09

! P: s2t08 LAALWFH Close Encounters 15:30, but it’s really just a few riffs here.

! s2t08 (4) JG: “Thank you. See y’all later on.”


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