BS Pass – JGB – Fall 1993 – Slack Tour

A while back I posted the crew tour book for the fall 1993 JGB tour, the band’s last. Since I love the look of these, I thought I’d add them to the mix. No idea who coined this the “Slack Tour”, but the Paul Mavrides image is great and these are just good clean fun.



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3 responses to “BS Pass – JGB – Fall 1993 – Slack Tour”

  1. timothy.g.anderson Avatar

    "BS" Pass, eh? Priceless! I can imagine Garcia enjoying the freewheeling surrealism of Subgenius, for sure.

  2. Jesse Avatar

    I, too, very much enjoy the notion that Garcia might've been a card-carrying SubGenius. There's a photo of him carrying a SubGenius newsletter:

    And, of course, Ken Kesey's immortal book blurb for the Book of the SubGenius:
    "I used to be able to read the word of "Bob" in a few minutes in the bathroom… now it takes me months to read the damned thing! But do you think that stops me? Hell no! I just stay in the bathroom longer! This is some of the best stuff I've read in 10 years. You want a testimonial? Look — put any words in my mouth you want. No praise could be too lavish." — Ken Kesey

    Though by '93, not sure how much frop Jerry was still smoking…

  3. Fate Music Avatar

    Awesome! I may need to read up on The Church of the SubGenius. I am too square to even have been familiar with any of that until now.

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