Category: 1971

  • GD/NRPS: May 28, 1971, Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (CANCELED)

    In an earlier post I discussed the infamous May 29, 1971 Grateful Dead show at Winterland at which a large number of people reacted adversely to being dosed. As Corry noted in comments, the Grateful Dead and New Riders of the Purple Sage show scheduled for the night before (May 28, 1971) was canceled due…

  • Garcia on Stephen Stills albums

    Matt Scofield’s discography, at, is one of those incredible community resources that I have vowed never to take for granted. It’s amazing, obviously a labor of love, and it contains a wealth of information about the GD, Garcia, and lots of the related and contemporaneous acts, venues, albums and individuals of interest. Here I’ll…

  • Garcia first solo album, tidbit

    Not sure whatever became of this … am I missing something? The only Douglas Records release with Jerry that I know of is Hooteroll? I don’t recall any direct Commander Cody involvement with Jerry, on-stage or in-studio. File under “maybe was” or something like that, I guess.

  • Wally Heider’s, July 1971

    Of course, we already knew that Jerry was recording Garcia in July of 1971 (though I have never been able to find any precise dates, and Bob Mathews won’t answer my queries). We also already knew that Heider’s was absolutely happening. I keep hoping that someday Steve Silberman will write a book about the Planet…

  • GD: 11/28/71, Marin Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium, San Rafael, CA (CXL)

    “The Grateful Dead will play a benefit [at the Marin Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium] on Sunday for the benefit of Head Start.” So saith a “Newgrams” in the Pacific Sun, week of Novmeber 25-December 1, 1971, p. 17. update: David Davis found an IJ piece indicating the Marin County supes nixed the gig. Reported by LIA…

  • Possible Jerry Gig? October 15-16, 1971, Keystone Korner, SF, CA

    So, here’s one that caught my eye. Nick the Greek, Merl, Tom Fogerty, Dave Getz (presumably) and John Kahn gigging at the Keystone Korner on a Friday-Saturday night in October, 1971 when Jerry is not known (to me) to have been otherwise occupied. Jerry and Merl were billed at the same place the weekend before.…

  • NRPS: June 12-13, 1971, Keystone Korner, San Francisco, CA

    So, I discovered this ad for New Riders of the Purple Sage at Keystone Korner on June 12-13, 1971 when going through the Berkeley Barb last summer … the old fashioned way … microfilm. Makes my eyes dry up just thinking about it. All well and good. I assume Jerry was there.and have updated my…

  • ‘On the floor like dying fish’ – and NRPS w/o Jerry (5/29/71)

    May 29, 1971 is infamous for the fact that lots of people had an adverse reaction to the liquid refreshments, which were apparently distributed from a 35-gallon trash container set onto the concert floor during an intermission. 35 people were sent to the hospital “with all of the symptoms of bad trips” (“Winterland on Probation”))…

  • GD: March/April 1971, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL (CANCELED)

    More early ’71 scheduling stuff: “The Grateful Dead pulled a last-minute cancellation at Northern Illinois University a few weeks ago.” This was in an article published on May 7, 1971 (1). So depending on the meaning of “a few weeks”, it could have been in March, when the GD were in Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, canceled…

  • GD: January 31, 1971, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (CANCELED)

    Not much to say here, just another monkey wrench in the early ’71 touring works for the GD. A student committee agreed in November 1970 to try to bring the GD out for January 31, 1971. Somewhere along the line a Jefferson Airplane concert took place that offended the University administration’s sensibilities. It seems that…