Category: 1984

  • Killer Sugaree and final DDD: JGB at Country Club, Reseda, May 20, 1984

    LN jg1984-05-20.jgb.all.aud-nak300s.79553.flac1644 This Sugaree is in the running for hottest ever, especially in the 6-10 minute range. It opened shows a lot in the 75-77 period, a little less frequently by this time, and it would leave the JGB fold in ’86 to become GD only. But, for my money, the Jerry Band ones from this…

  • In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: JGB at Keystone, March 22, 1984

      LN jg1984-03-22.jgb.all.aud-corley.22191.shn2flac Over the years, I thought that maybe February ’82 was my least favorite JGB month, supplying a “warmish-dampish-Motel-6-towel feeling, without the hygiene”, the drugs starting to really take their toll, not so much terrible as just vaguely gross. Well, it has come to my attention that March 1984 is pretty bad, too. I…

  • 42

    Regular reader Dr. Jeff once asked that I post listening notes for Jerry’s 42nd birthday show at the Stone, 8/1/84. I have dutifully done so, some years later, and have just about nothing to report. Jerrybase tells me that he hadn’t opened a second set w How Sweet in over three years, so there is…

  • Feel Your Oats, and Race Back to Eat Them: JGB opening for Frank Zappa, UIC Pavilion, University of Illinois Chicago, August 18, 1984

    Last night of the August ’84 tour, which was really strong, amazingly strong given the shape Garcia was in. Zappa headlined the ads, but Garcia played second. Not much to write home about, except, on the theme of “oats”. 1) Garcia is feeling them in the big guitar tunes CUTS, GOOMLW and Deal. Man –…

  • “Garcia Sounds Pretty Wrecked” – JGB at the Stone, July 31, 1984

    A rare Tuesday night outing finds the newly-formed JGB #21b sounding pretty typical for the period. Apparently the second set started after midnight, which meant it happened on Garcia’s 42nd birthday, which the crowd apparently commemorated with a song of its own. Not much to note. I noted generically that Garcia sounds pretty wrecked, noted…

  • The Auds Have It – JGB at Irvine Meadows, May 18, 1984

    LN LN jg1984-05-18.jgb.all.aud-french.84138.flac1644 There is a famous story of President Abraham Lincoln, taking a vote in a cabinet meeting on whether to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. All his cabinet secretaries vote nay, whereupon Lincoln raises his right hand and declares: “The ayes have it!” (source) Just had an interesting experience highlighting the variable reactions that different…

  • Gloria NON Advenit! JGB at Keystone Palo Alto, Saturday, July 10, 1984

    update 1: Jeez … I now think Gloria must have arrived 7/10/84-7/11/84, a Tuesday-Wednesday in Palo Alto. Working backward: she is mentioned in reviews of August 1984 east coast shows. It is an iron law that the band played local warmups before leaving on tour, which would be these birthday shows. And it is just…

  • Kabuki Acoustics

    LN jg1982-08-23.jgjk.early-late.aud-menke-connor.12586.shn2flac LN jg1984-06-03.jgjk.all.sbd-unknown.81273.shn2flac Bill Graham ran the Kabuki Nightclub in Japantown for a few years in the early 1980s, and Garcia played twice, both times acoustic with ol’ buddy John Kahn. I am not a huge fan of the Garcia-Kahn acoustic duet, and these shows do nothing to move me from that basic position. Jerry still…

  • Alice Kahn Fall 1984 interview annotations

    These are for my purposes, no pretense to completeness. I find his comments about Joe Garcia to be quite revealing. There are a few other good nuggets in here. Man, even in the depths of his Rock Bottom period, he sounds engaged and articulate. What a mind! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Fall 1984 interview by Alice Kahn. Date…

  • The Shortest Two-Set Electric Show? JGB at the Stone, Sunday, September 16, 1984

    LN jg1984-09-16.jgb.all.aud-jjoops.97573.flac1644 A little dive into the Rock Bottom period yields this pearl of an electric JGB show – two four-tune sets clocking in around a half-hour of music each. I don’t really note anything much about the performance, other than its brevity and Garcia’s unsurprising vocal limitations. I don’t want to be mean. I am…