Category: 1992

  • Open-Air Vasseur: JGB at Shoreline, July 26, 1992

    LN jg1992-07-26.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.141462.flac1644 Brief listening notes. Vasseur Warfield tapes are incredible. Vasseur Shoreline tapes are … incredible. So much air in this mics. Wow. Jerry does some extra percussive stuff in a few places that I found noteworthy. Guy who called out “Reuben!” and got it must have been pretty fired up. I would have been. I…

  • How Come History’s Got to Take Such a Long, Long Time? JGB, Warfield, Sunday, May 3, 1992

    LN jg1992-05-03.jgb.all.aud-lucien.106771.flac1648 I just don’t always have a lot to say, but want to put these here to invite others to comment. I enjoyed this. Some mumblyverse, but some real depth of feeling, too. I really enjoyed this version of “The Maker”, with a little extra vocalization at the end that I can’t quite make out…

  • A Second Triumphant Return: JGB, Halloween ’92

    LN jg1992-10-31.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.141463.flac1644 Almost six years to the day after Jerry’s “Triumphant Return” from death’s door with the Garcia Band at the Stone, on October 31, 1992 he made a second comeback from a major health scare, playing with the JGB in the less homey Oakland Coliseum Arena less than three months after collapsing at home…

  • Cities Burn and The Show Goes On: JGB at the Warfield, April 30, 1992

    jg1992-04-30.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.141475.flac1644 On April 30, 1992, as on other Thursdays before, at least a couple American cities were in flames as protests over racial injustice turned violent and disorderly in the aftermath of a Simi Valley jury’s acquittal of four LAPD officers accused in the March 1991 beating of black motorist Rodney King. The Garcia Band…

  • Half Century Jerry: JGB in Irvine, August 1, 1992

    In looking at the date index for the blog, I noticed I hadn’t engaged a 1992 show, and the only tag for the year wasn’t really focused on it. I confess that I have a strong prior that 1992 sucks. I have spun pieces of shows a time or two, and even whole ones, including…

  • The Dates of All of the Tracks on the Late-Era Arista JGB Releases

    Internaut jmoleton posted sometime back a more or less complete set of dates for the 1990s-2000s official JGB releases, Jerry Garcia Band (1991), How Sweet It Is (1997), and Shining Star (2001), over at the Workingman’s Tracker. I have appropriated jmoleton’s info, asked commenter Nick to check a few things, verified a few things myself,…