Category: 1993

  • JGB Spring ’93 SoCal

    Preface: JGB in SoCal Little springtime SoCal jaunts became a regular thing for JGB starting in 1983. (OK, that was very late winter, but March is generally pretty springy down there.) Some were one- or two-offs, others were a little more elaborate. Here’s a sketch. 1983: 3/11a and 3/11b in Santa Barbara; 3/12a and 3/12b,…

  • Kemper’s Last: JGB at Hampton Coliseum, November 19, 1993

    The great drummer David Kemper joined the JGB on Wednesday, July 20, 1983, at the Keystone Palo Alto, probably for a few hundred beer drinkers at a show with gross potential of something like $5 grand. He played his last gig with the band at the legendary Hampton Coliseum on November 19, 1993, before a…

  • Rocks, Bottles, and a Tired-Sounding Jerry: JGB at the Warfield, February 27, 1993

    Apparently 12 people were arrested after this Saturday night show, allegedly for throwing rocks and bottles at police. Ten months earlier had seen unrest in the area, not necessarily caused by Jerry’s kids, but related instead to acquittal of the cops in their trial for beating Rodney King in LA. No idea what might have…

  • Not For Kids Only Deluxe (Acoustic Disc DLACD-09, 2020) This happened without my noticing at the time (whenever it was in that accursed year, just passed, that shall not be named). But Acoustic Disc has remastered the Not For Kids Only (Acoustic Disc ACD 9, 1993), added four bonus tracks, and offered it up for download. I am spinning the high-def (24bit / 96…

  • The Romanesque Church Design Was Based On The Roman Basilica: Discuss (JGB at the Knick in Albany, November 3, 1993)

    I just marveled at the almost 90-minute second set offered up on 12/22/90, and got to wondering about post-coma others that might match or beat it in duration. I recalled some long sets on the 11/93 tour, recalled that I had unposted (because not very informative) notes on 11/3/93 (my 23rd birthday, though I was…

  • I actually had to FF: JGB at Portland Meadows, 8/8/93

    LN jg1993-08-08.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.145607.flac1644 Nick thought the titular show was OK, but the vocals were so catastrophically bad that I actually couldn’t really listen to this. The only other show that has revulsed me in the same way was 11/23/72, and that was as much about the recording (overloaded, especially on the vocals) as it was about the…

  • BS Pass – JGB – Fall 1993 – Slack Tour

    A while back I posted the crew tour book for the fall 1993 JGB tour, the band’s last. Since I love the look of these, I thought I’d add them to the mix. No idea who coined this the “Slack Tour”, but the Paul Mavrides image is great and these are just good clean fun.

  • Classical Music

    I am trying together instances of Garcia engaging classical music, which are few and far between. Alan Trist reports that ca. 1960-1961 one of their friends “John the Poet” had a great classical recording collection, and they listened to a lot of Bach. “Endless Bach,” Trist said. Jerry and Trist and a few others went…

  • The Reedman vs. The Gunslinger: JGB with David Murray, Madison Square Garden, November 12, 1993

    LN jg1993-11-12.jgb.all.aud-brennecke-litzenburger-GEMS.91812.flac1644 LN jg1993-11-12.jgb.s2.aud-gastwirt.139507.flac1648 The man had conceived the band bearing his name as a way to scratch some musical itches, play some mostly consonant music with mostly-simpatico (or at least deferential) people, and make a little bit of walking around money. The Jerry Garcia Band provided its namesake with a comfortable and, eventually, highly…

  • The Hypothesis is Wrong – Long Live the Hypothesis!

    update: I now have it on good authority that, indeed, the arrangements in the tour book are for the crew, while the band enjoyed a somewhat more upscale experience. So, the hypothesis is correct, I just don’t have any parchment evidence for it. update2: here is link to the whole tourbook as a pdf. I…