Category: Annabelle Garcia

  • Signpost to a New Space and Stoned Sunday Rap – Dates

    I have just finished transcribing the parts of particular interest to me from Signpost to a New Space and the Stoned Sunday Rap (Garcia, Reich and Wenner 2003 [1972]), and I have now posted reading notes. Me being me, I have always wondered about the dates of these sessions. Here is the timeline for what…

  • An Evening With the Gratetul Dead

    edited 20110502 am LN It is presently “commonly known” that the “An Evening With The Grateful Dead” show concept / set format debuted in Alfred, NY on Friday, May 1, 1970 [Jerrybase | shnid-95683 |]. McNally (2002, 366) narrates things this way, Deadlists’ entry presents the show in conventional AEWTGD form, and so…