Category: Arlington Theatre

  • Digitization Makes Me Happy

    Via, the UCSB Daily Nexus (and before it, the El Gaucho) has been digitized. Having sniffed around Santa Barbara a fair bit (UCSB being my alma mater), I am happy to see this, and found a few good things. First, I have found a preview and a review of OAITW 4/12/73 at the Granada,…

  • There is World-Class Guitar Playing Here (JGB at the Arlington in Santa Barbara, May 19, 1984)

    LN jg1984-05-19.jgb.all.aud-rossi-ford.124791.flac1644 Really great tape. And, while things are a little bit uneven, there’s a lot to like in this performance. The arrangements are generally tight and the guitar playing can be outstanding. This band is together. Melvin plays colorfully, drums strong and bass nice and thompin’. Garcia does a lot of very sophisticated layering…

  • Great American Music Band: Wednesday, April 24, 1974, Arlington Theatre, Santa Barbara, CA

    Clearly identified as the Great American Music Band by the emcee at the end, this is the quartet of Grisman (mandolin), Greene (fiddle), Nichtern (ac-guitar, vocals) and Taj Mahal (ac-bass). The performance doesn’t light me up the way some of them do. The tape, via ‘fstop’,  is quite nice, though I’d guess that the Will…