Category: Barbara (Brigid) Meier

  • JGB Spring ’93 SoCal

    Preface: JGB in SoCal Little springtime SoCal jaunts became a regular thing for JGB starting in 1983. (OK, that was very late winter, but March is generally pretty springy down there.) Some were one- or two-offs, others were a little more elaborate. Here’s a sketch. 1983: 3/11a and 3/11b in Santa Barbara; 3/12a and 3/12b,…

  • Rocks, Bottles, and a Tired-Sounding Jerry: JGB at the Warfield, February 27, 1993

    Apparently 12 people were arrested after this Saturday night show, allegedly for throwing rocks and bottles at police. Ten months earlier had seen unrest in the area, not necessarily caused by Jerry’s kids, but related instead to acquittal of the cops in their trial for beating Rodney King in LA. No idea what might have…