Category: Berkeley

  • Garcia-Saunders with Guest Doug Sahm, ca. December 1972

    Garcia-Saunders with Guest Doug Sahm, ca. December 1972

    Clearing out old paper files of stuff, found this piece by John Swenson about Doug Sahm: Swenson, John. 197305. The Psychedelic Cowboy Makes His Move. Crawdaddy (May): 65-70. After narrating the good time on 11/23/72 in Austin, Sahm continues Then we went back up to Frisco an’ did it up at Keystone with Tom Fogerty…

  • Good Old Boys at Keystone: June 14, 1974

    I  just want to pin down some details of the Good Old Boys sets from June 13 and June 14, 1974, opening for Great American String Band. These come from tape that I have been able to audition but that is not supposed to circulate. Sometimes, a “hush-hush” approach is necessary to protect the innocent.…

  • Good Old Boys at Keystone: June 13, 1974

    I  just want to pin down some details of the Good Old Boys sets from June 13-14, 1974, opening for Great American String Band. These come from tape that I have been able to audition but that is not supposed to circulate. Sometimes, a “hush-hush” approach is necessary to protect the innocent. That’s not the…

  • If ACT = JGMS and Taper = Louis Falanga, and YYMM = 7402, does XX = 17?

    I recently wrote that in engaging any Garcia event, I first want to pin down the who, the where, and the what. So I want the sociometric, geometric, and the chronometric particulars … If I can pin down those three pieces about any given event with reasonable certainty, I feel like it “exists” in a…

  • Little Legal Matters: JGB #1 at Keystone, November 8, 1975

    LN jg1975-11-08.jgb.all.aud-castelli-motb-0151.109001.flac1644 ad for JGB 11/8/75 at Keystone, SFSECDB-19751102-p31 Not going to do long listening notes, so a few random bits from this one. First, “Micky” [sic] Hopkins. Heh heh. We are easily amused here. Also @Corry: the ad says advance tickets at BASS, but that was absolutely not the case for any Jerry show at…

  • In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: JGB at Keystone, March 22, 1984

      LN jg1984-03-22.jgb.all.aud-corley.22191.shn2flac Over the years, I thought that maybe February ’82 was my least favorite JGB month, supplying a “warmish-dampish-Motel-6-towel feeling, without the hygiene”, the drugs starting to really take their toll, not so much terrible as just vaguely gross. Well, it has come to my attention that March 1984 is pretty bad, too. I…

  • Sunday, Monday, What’s the Difference? JGB #11a at Keystone, December 17, 1979 (Monday)

    LN jg1979-12-17.jgb.s1s2p.aud-walscoller.106057.flac1644 I wanted to spin some JGB #11a (Ozzie-Johnny D quartet) from late in 1979, a little window I have neglected in favor of their first few gigs on the one hand (10/7, 10/14), and the Winter 1980 tour (overall economics, 2/16, 2/20, 2/24) on the other hand. (update: see also 12/20/79) Joanie Walker, Paul Scotton and…

  • First JGB at the Keystone: October 11-12, 1975

    The JERRY GARCIA Band Prior to fall of 1975, Garcia’s side bands had mostly a) been relatively loose aggregations and/or b) not had his name on the marquee. All of this preserved a kind of informal quality, maybe some plausible deniability, a little bit little less spotlight to go with his insatiable appetite for gigging.…

  • What It Is All About: Jerry Band Monday at the Keystone, August 16, 1976

    I love love love the mid-1976 versions of “After Midnight”, with Donna seconding on “what it is all about”. (Happy 73rd birthday to DJG the day of this post, BTW!) I also like the “Stop That Train”s from this era, both imprinted on my brain from some tape I played the hell out of. This…

  • They Really Are a Scree-um: Legion of Mary at Keystone, Thursday, May 22, 1975

    LN jg1975-05-22.lom.all.aud-menke-falanga-motb-0044.87156.flac2496 I just revisited 5/21/75, and it left me a little bit … whelmed. By contrast, at some point between downloading the files in 2011 and today, I listened to and noted the next night, and I *loved* it. The Bob Menke – Louis Falanga aud belongs in the freaking Smithsonian. This stands as…