Category: Bill Graham

  • At Wolfgang’s Warfield: JGB, March 2, 1991 orchestra tape

    LN jg1991-03-02.jgb.all.aud-mk4-orchestra.123611.flac1648 Obviously I don’t get much into the 1990s, though I’ll need to do more to do the whole GOTS story justice. (seealso: JGB 3/1/91 listening notes) This is a totally professional gig, musically excellent. Old Jerry has his charms. He’s a sophisticated storyteller and themeweaver on the guitar. I have performance notes below,…

  • The Grateful Dead: Top-Grossing Act of 1991

    I just picked up a copy of Pollstar‘s 1991 Year-End Special Edition, entitled Year of the Dead, dated December 31, 1991. Though I don’t do much GD stuff, blogger’s stats tell me that GD posts are the most popular. People are funny. But I digress. One of the reasons I don’t do it is that…

  • Jerry Garcia Band Electric

    **update 1: final paragraph, 8:47 Eastern 20111212** Jerry Site administrator slipnut just updated the venue name for a show given as Jerry Garcia Band, California Theatre, San Diego, CA, on Friday May 23, 1986. Handbill follows: Handbill for Jerry Garcia Band Electric, California Theatre, San Diego, CA, 5/23/86. Possibly courtesy of Iver McLeod. The venue…

  • Q: Where was Jerry on June 24, 1981? A: Breaking in new singers at the Keystone Palo Alto

    update:  I have found a listing for JGB playing Keystone Palo Alto this Wednesday night, 6/24/81. It makes sense – first night out for Liz Stires and Essra Mohawk, and they usually played gigs on off-nights and/or off-the-beaten path when breaking in new members. That seems especially pertinent when the first two gigs are going…