Category: Bill Vitt

  • RIP Bill Vitt

  • Friday Night at the Boarding House

    edit: well, this is a first – turns out I had already posted a version of this. Heh heh. Presumably, this one is better. April 13-16, 1973 saw Garcia “Four Nights at the Boarding House”, two with Merl Saunders and The Group (JGMS), two with Old And In The Way (OAITW). So much about these…

  • San Francisco Sessions, 1970

    **updated 8/10/2015, especially under heading D** **update2 8/11, more, especially, in section D** **updated 8/12, re-ordered sections (now goes from more micro and Jerrycentric to more macro (and less so)), also reworked some of section D, though not really many new words.** I have been processing information from contracts filed at the American Federation of…

  • Contradictions Are Fun

    The human spirit … is the favorite home of contradictions, indeed they do not seem to prosper or even find viable living conditions outside it. José Saramago, All the Names, p. 228 Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders were advertised to play the Matrix at 3138 Fillmore on Wednesday, March 3, 1971. But as far as…

  • Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders at the Matrix – A Dialogue

    [ed: Corry sent me an email about Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders at the Matrix, which turned into a rather elaborate exchange on the subject. One piece of our correspondence involved the tape traveling as 5/20/71. This is some of Garcia’s finest playing on tape in any context. I highly recommend that you check it…

  • JGMS 19730114-19730115 Inn of the Beginning, Cotati, CA

    We know of the Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders show at the Inn of the Beginning on Monday, January 15, 1973 from the circulating tapes (, which are Betty Boards rescued by Rob Eaton from the muck and filth of God-knows-what-or-where (listening notes). There are severe problems with the recording, especially with the start of…