Category: birthday

  • 42

    Regular reader Dr. Jeff once asked that I post listening notes for Jerry’s 42nd birthday show at the Stone, 8/1/84. I have dutifully done so, some years later, and have just about nothing to report. Jerrybase tells me that he hadn’t opened a second set w How Sweet in over three years, so there is…

  • Round Reels, Incorporated August 1, 1974

    Round Reels is the company Ron Rakow created for film projects, not least the Grateful Dead Movie. As with many of Rakow’s business activities, it’s really hard to find any solid information about the company. So when the corporate stamp came up for auction over the summer, I was very excited to see it! This…

  • Half Century Jerry: JGB in Irvine, August 1, 1992

    In looking at the date index for the blog, I noticed I hadn’t engaged a 1992 show, and the only tag for the year wasn’t really focused on it. I confess that I have a strong prior that 1992 sucks. I have spun pieces of shows a time or two, and even whole ones, including…