Category: blog business

  • From JGMF to Fate Music

    What you see happening is that I can’t really blog much anymore. I think. The communication medium known as blogging mostly invites me to express paragraph- subheading- and heading-level ideas. All of that now needs to go into the Fate Music manuscript. At least, that’s what I expect. It’s certainly not over. Hell, it may thrive. But…

  • Fate Music in a Nutshell: JGB at MSG: November 15, 1991

    I just changed the name at the top of the blog from Jerry Garcia’s Middle Finger to reflect the progress I am making on Fate Music: Jerry Garcia’s Name-Claiming Journey Beyond the Grateful Dead. That subtitle subject to change, that lead title not. The best summary narrative is in my review of Jerry Garcia Band. Garcia…

  • Updated Bibliography

    I have updated the JGMF Bibliography. It lives at the top-right of the blog, under JGMF Essentials.

  • listening notes backlog

    I have a bunch of info files from stuff I have listened to, but generally without much to say. Will probably post a bunch of stuff. Or not.

  • Deadsources Index

    Somehow it had eluded me that LIA was maintaining an index of posts at Deadsources. Wonderful – thanks!

  • Random Posts Widget added

    I got to meet the amazing David Davis of Grateful Seconds yesterday. So much fun! A random outcome is that I have replaced the top posts widget along the right side of the blog with a “random posts” widget. It pained me that I was creating a feedback loop for more and more people to…

  • Probably gonna be slow for awhile

    So, so much to do.

  • in lieu of new content

    Let me point you to the JGMF date index at Any show that I have addressed explicitly at any length is indexed there, more or less. Anyway, take a spin and leave a comment!

  • Half a mil

    Somewhere along the line JGMF crossed over half a million pageviews. Thank you!

  • New blog: Mickey’s Gong  the idea is i listen to every single recording of the grateful dead’s 1970 performances and then write about every single one Sounds like a winner!