Category: Boarding House

  • The Blogging Hobby

    Blogging is a great hobby – if you have ever thought of just wanting to keep some intellectual interest of yours pinned down a little better than purely in your head, I highly recommend it. Among Blogger’s very limited features – You Get What You Pay For, Corry reminds us, and as a Braudelian he…

  • Friday Night at the Boarding House

    edit: well, this is a first – turns out I had already posted a version of this. Heh heh. Presumably, this one is better. April 13-16, 1973 saw Garcia “Four Nights at the Boarding House”, two with Merl Saunders and The Group (JGMS), two with Old And In The Way (OAITW). So much about these…

  • NRPS June 21-23, 1971 Boarding House – CANCELED

    San Francisco Chronicle, June 21, 1971, p. 47. Here’s an interesting one that I don’t quite know what to do with – NRPS and Rowan Bothers playing the Boarding House June 21-23, 1971. Of course, Garcia was in France on 6/21, and even gaining back 7 or 8 hours he probably couldn’t have been back…

  • Jerry Garcia and David Bromberg, June 1972

    David Bromberg played the Boarding House, 960 Bush Street (San Francisco, CA,94109) June 13-17, 1972. Robert Dunn wrote a nice review in Night Times. This drew my eye because I recalled that Jerry recorded tracks for Demon in Disguise around this time. Indeed, he did: Table xxx. Jerry Garcia and David Bromberg: Demon in Disguise…

  • The Group In and Around the Sarah Era: Boarding House, 1/24/73

    LN jg1973-01-24.jgms.early-late.sbd-nfagdtrfb.100216.flac1644 update: this post has so  many old links to the evil db.etree – please never use that URL. Substitute etreedb wherever you see db.etree. Thank you. (Man oh man does Blogger’s formatting suck. One can’t compose online, because stuff can get lost [viz my long beautiful post on Wales-Garcia 1/26/72]. One can’t compose…

  • The Merle [sic] Saunders Experience: Boarding House, January 25, 1973

    LN jg1973-01-25.jgms.early-late.sbd.7670.shn2flac1644 Introduction Not long ago I posted a set of notes on JGMS 1/15/73 at the Inn of the Beginning, the second known date (and the earliest circulating tape) of the Garcia-Saunders-Kahn-Vitt group to include singer Sarah Fulcher. The Sarah Era, as I’ll call it, holds lots of appeal: she’s a mysterious figure about…

  • Updated LN

    Man, I have been busy. Anyway, some time ago I did a half-assed “listening notes” on the circulating set (set I) of OAITW 4/16/73. This is one of the “Four Nights at the Boarding House” that seem so incredibly, richly evocative of what a relatively healthy, happy, loose and jamming Garcia wanted out of his…

  • Recently added to TJS, Saunders images

    I am sure everyone who reads here knows one can follow changes at The Jerry Site (there’s also an RSS feed). TJS admin slip_not has been adding some nice data from poster and handbill images shared at the Merl Saunders Facebook page. Since these photos are shared intentionally downloadable from Facebook, and acting on the…

  • LN jg1973-10-xx.oaitw.partial.sbd.14216.shnf

    Old And In The Way “October 1973” ( turns out to be a degraded copy of Boarding House, October 8, 1973. Grisman officially released the whole show in 2008, though all links to download it seem to be dead. Some notes. Old And In The Way “Unknown Location, October xx, 1973” Boarding House October 8,…

  • Four Nights at the Boarding House: April 13-16, 1973

    “Scenedrome,” Berkeley Barb, April 13-19, 1973, p. 18 Check out Jerry for these four nights: Friday, 4/13/73: JGMS @ Boarding House. We know from tapes that George Tickner is on rhythm guitar. Update: there is now a show review. See “Friday Night at the Boarding House”. Saturday, 4/14/73: JGMS @ Boarding House. Sarah and George…