Category: CA

  • Twenty-Four Performances in Twenty-Four Days: April 6-30, 1973

    update: commenter RoG has brought two more gigs to my attention, Wed-Thurs April 25-26 with JGMS at Keystone, so the title has changed from “Twenty-Two” to “Twenty-Four”. All the more remarkable. update2: oh yeah, I forget to mention another little detail from this period: on April 19th, the Dead decided to start up their own…

  • Let’s Spend the (Wednesday) Night Together

    November 21, 1990, a Wednesday night, Garcia played a killer “Let’s Spend The Night Together,” featuring what the seeder notes as “relentless, furious” guitar work. Indeed. “Tears Of Rage” and “Tore Up Over You” also stand out. Pack of Wolves opened, for the record. Jerry Garcia Band The Warfield 982 Market Street San Francisco, CA…

  • June 1990 at the Warfield

    The post-coma Garcia Band was getting hotter and hotter from 1987-1989, in my view, and somewhere along the line two kinds of business/money decisions were made. First, it’d start regularly playing the Warfield, which I think had been recently renovated, for Wolfgang.  JGB played fifteen gigs at 982 Market in 1990 –February 2-4, March 1-2,…

  • Certainly One of the Best and Most Interesting Shows of the 90s: JGB, March 1, 1991, Warfield

    I have a “P: Overall:” note below which sums up my assessment. Very good, ol’ Jer. Jerry Garcia Band The Warfield 982 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94102 March 1, 1991 (Friday) B&K 4011s MAD flac1648 shnid-141449 –set I (8 tracks, 7 tunes, 64:44)– s1t01. crowd and tuning [2:54] s1t02. Cats Under The Stars [9:15]…

  • Keystone Hardware, ca. 1976

    For the gearheads out there. Billboard, March 13, 1976, p. SF-19, via Oh yeah, the idea of a 15 minute drive from the City to Berkeley, at anything other than the dead of night, sure sounds quaint!

  • Unscary Jerry: Halloween ’88

    Just another good, clean ’88 Garcia Band show. By my count, the “Band Electric” only played 16 gigs the whole of the year, which is a shame, because Garcia’s clean, relaxed vibe suits it perfectly. “Werewolves” is fun, as always, Cats is fine, Forever Young and Stop That Train are both way above average, Think…

  • Acoustic Sing-Along at the Stone: Garcia and Kahn, September 27, 1985

    I don’t have a ton to say about this – it’s about what you’d expect. Two sets below the 45-minute Minnelli Line, voice bad to start and shot by the end. But, besides the fact that this was taped by the lovely Don Dearth, who was my third grade teacher, the best part about this…

  • Above Ground, But Below the Minelli Line: JGB, The Stone, August 9, 1985

    A decade before the final fall, Garcia played another Friday night at the Stone. I still think of this as the Rock Bottom period, even though he is clearly recovering. Two sets below the Minelli Line (45 minutes), the whole gig fits snugly on a single Maxell, with room for filler on the B-side. Nothing…

  • Half Century Jerry: JGB in Irvine, August 1, 1992

    In looking at the date index for the blog, I noticed I hadn’t engaged a 1992 show, and the only tag for the year wasn’t really focused on it. I confess that I have a strong prior that 1992 sucks. I have spun pieces of shows a time or two, and even whole ones, including…

  • NOT Jacklyn’s Debut: JGB at the River Theater, Guerneville, October 24, 1982

    UPDATE 20211026: Jackie has clearly stated that she and DeeDee joined the band in January 1983. So, as of now, this is the first show with the late ’82 mystery (unidentified) singers backing vocalists Elisecia Wright and Shirley Faulkner. The man who taped this show has just passed away. RIP, John Anzaldo. This is a…