Category: CA

  • These sets aren’t getting any longer: JGB #21a at the Beverly Theatre, October 1, 1983

    One of the things that I expect will become possible at some point is to get some relatively valid data on set times across the years. One of the reasons I try to be so precise with my timing notations is that I am going to want to train a machine to parse song, set…

  • First JGB at the Keystone: October 11-12, 1975

    The JERRY GARCIA Band Prior to fall of 1975, Garcia’s side bands had mostly a) been relatively loose aggregations and/or b) not had his name on the marquee. All of this preserved a kind of informal quality, maybe some plausible deniability, a little bit little less spotlight to go with his insatiable appetite for gigging.…

  • What It Is All About: Jerry Band Monday at the Keystone, August 16, 1976

    I love love love the mid-1976 versions of “After Midnight”, with Donna seconding on “what it is all about”. (Happy 73rd birthday to DJG the day of this post, BTW!) I also like the “Stop That Train”s from this era, both imprinted on my brain from some tape I played the hell out of. This…

  • Quicky: I think Reconstruction 6/13/79 at the River Theater in Guerneville should be dated 6/23/79

    update: I am now 100% certain that the correct date for this material is 6/23/79 The tape we have of the titular show comes from Alan Bershaw. Turns out he didn’t tape it, but circulating versions come from his copy. This is a 2nd copy, lineaged as follows: Nak 550 w/CP3 caps > MAC >…

  • They Really Are a Scree-um: Legion of Mary at Keystone, Thursday, May 22, 1975

    LN jg1975-05-22.lom.all.aud-menke-falanga-motb-0044.87156.flac2496 I just revisited 5/21/75, and it left me a little bit … whelmed. By contrast, at some point between downloading the files in 2011 and today, I listened to and noted the next night, and I *loved* it. The Bob Menke – Louis Falanga aud belongs in the freaking Smithsonian. This stands as…

  • Take the Road Before Us and Sing a Chorus or Two: Legion of Mary at Keystone, May 21, 1975

    jg1975-05-21.lom.all.mtx-tobin-motb-0050.87219.flac1644 I recently gave 6/16/82 a listen to evaluate whether it merited its lofty reputation, or whether it might be exhibiting a case of the Cornells. I decided it was as good as its reputation. Staying with that démarche, a week ago I spun 5/21/75, Legion of Mary at the Keystone, which has long circulated…

  • Twin Wonder Powers, Activate? JGMS, October 11-12, 1973 at Keystone Berkeley

    Tape Archaeology What used to be known by some of us as the Third Batch of Betty Cantor-Jackson tapes proved the most grudging of all the batches in terms of finding broad circulation. This especially vexed Garcia freaks, because it contained a number of drool-inspiring Garcia-Saunders sets. You might imagine where the mind would go,…

  • Two Sax Attack? JGMS at the GAMH, February 5, 1974

    LN jg1974-02-05.jgms.all.sbd-ladner.32088.flac1644 I won’t elaborate much. I have always held early ’74 Garcia-Saunders in rather low esteem, despite my early familiarity with, place-based affinity toward –I attended Campolindo High School, just down the road– and resulting inordinate love for the 2/9/74 Rheem Theater show. I was prompted to check-in with 2/5/74 by valued commenter runonguinness’s observation…

  • “Garcia Sounds Pretty Wrecked” – JGB at the Stone, July 31, 1984

    A rare Tuesday night outing finds the newly-formed JGB #21b sounding pretty typical for the period. Apparently the second set started after midnight, which meant it happened on Garcia’s 42nd birthday, which the crowd apparently commemorated with a song of its own. Not much to note. I noted generically that Garcia sounds pretty wrecked, noted…

  • The Auds Have It – JGB at Irvine Meadows, May 18, 1984

    LN LN jg1984-05-18.jgb.all.aud-french.84138.flac1644 There is a famous story of President Abraham Lincoln, taking a vote in a cabinet meeting on whether to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. All his cabinet secretaries vote nay, whereupon Lincoln raises his right hand and declares: “The ayes have it!” (source) Just had an interesting experience highlighting the variable reactions that different…