Category: Canada

  • Mr. Sandoz Dilaudid

    I have a memory of hearing Phil say this over the PA during one of the Dead’s Egypt shows, but I have no idea if this was just a dream I dreamed, it happened at another show, something like this but not exactly like this happened, or something else. Does this ring a bell to…

  • Deep River Blues on the Festival Express

    –> Early-on, riding the Festival Express: “A few people started to drift into the forward lounge. Leslie West and Felix Pappalardi pulled out guitars. West, toying with his tiny, ancient Les Paul Gibson as if it were a stalk of grass lazily picked out Delta bottleneck blues, and Mountain’s drummer, Corky Laing, sang along: Let…

  • Where Was the Grateful Dead on Sunday, August 24, 1969?

    Here are the listings from the great San Francisco Express Times, vol. 2 no. 32 (August 21, 1969), p. unk. There’s lots of interest here, of course. But I have circled the item that interests me most greatly. It’s under the listings for Sunday, August 24, 1969, and reads as follows: Hippy Hill: Trans-Cultural Rip-Offs,…

  • GD: November 18, 1970, Montreal Forum, Montreal, QC, Canada (CANCELED)

    Political unrest in Quebec in the fall of 1970 caused cancellation of a GD show scheduled for November 18, 1970 at the Montreal Forum. Promoter Ken Walker of Toronto (who had dealt with a little show-related unrest as one of the “Festival Express” principals earlier in the year) seemed to be assigned responsibility, rather than…