Category: Carlos Santana

  • San Francisco Sessions, 1970

    **updated 8/10/2015, especially under heading D** **update2 8/11, more, especially, in section D** **updated 8/12, re-ordered sections (now goes from more micro and Jerrycentric to more macro (and less so)), also reworked some of section D, though not really many new words.** I have been processing information from contracts filed at the American Federation of…

  • Szabo’s Santana Sit-In, or, Santana’s Jubilant Jam

    I didn’t see this listed at the great Santanamigos site (1971), so I thought I’d post it here: Santana sitting in with Gabor Szabo at the Concord [Jazz?] Festival, Sunday, August 15, 1971.

  • Color: January 12-25, 1972 Night Times listings

    Here are some listings from the Night Times, with a few scattershot thoughts. 1) The Berkeley Night Times is a gem. 2) It’s especially good re: race. The range of clubs it covers exceeds most other sources – you’ve got the country clubs, the rock clubs, the black soul/R&B/gospel clubs, the Latin clubs, a little…

  • Carlos Santana and Merl Saunders – February 22, 1971, Matrix, San Francisco

    Wasserman, John L. 1971. The Big Sound At Lake Tahoe [“Something Else” subhead], San Francisco Chronicle, February 22, 1971, p. 40. The Chicken’s Matrix list  doesn’t show a few of these Matrix gigs, so I’ll throw them out there. Monday; February 22, 1971; Carlos Santana and Merl Saunders Tuesday; February 23, 1971; Larry Coryell Wednesday;…