Category: Charles Mingus

  • Santa Cruz Blues

    LN jg1985-10-16.jgjk.all.sbd-Miller.139756.flac1644 One of the most widely bootlegged Garcia performances, alongside the ’82 Oregon State Penitentiary gig, is another Garcia-Kahn acoustic duet performance from the Catalyst in Santa Cruz on October 16, 1985. As with other beautiful recordings from this venue, an enterprising insider made a 4-channel tape combining stereo sbd feed and stereo ambient…

  • “You can’t improvise on nothing, man.”

    –Charles Mingus to Timothy Leary Santoro, George. 2000.Myself When I am Real : The Life and Music of Charles Mingus. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Via Google Books, URL, accessed 7/5/2013. Sometimes appended with “You’ve got to improvise on something.”

  • Beneath the Underdog

    Finished it a week or so ago. Feh. Didn’t really get what people see in it. That it’s nonlinear and therefore somehow jazzy? I thought it was self-indulgent crap. I need to look up some info (maybe read a real biography of Mingus) to find out when it was written. It wouldn’t surprise if it…