Category: Charlie Connor

  • The August ’85 Electric Shows

    LN jg1985-08-04.jgb.all.aud-connor.11041.shn2flac LN jg1985-08-05.jgb.all.aud-connor.11121.shn2flacLN jg1985-08-09.jgb.all.aud-connor.11131.shn2flacLN jg1985-08-10.jgb.all.aud-connor.11145.shn2flac Waaayyyy back when, in the early lossless era, when shn ruled the roost and files could best be had by FTP (though some grabbed binaries from usenet groups), Charlie Connor’s August 1985 Jerry Band tapes were pretty special. They still are, in the sense that they sound nice (patched…

  • Above Ground, But Below the Minelli Line: JGB, The Stone, August 9, 1985

    A decade before the final fall, Garcia played another Friday night at the Stone. I still think of this as the Rock Bottom period, even though he is clearly recovering. Two sets below the Minelli Line (45 minutes), the whole gig fits snugly on a single Maxell, with room for filler on the B-side. Nothing…

  • JGB: June 23, 1977: Benefit Concert for the Survival of the Forest Community of Camp Meeker

    On Thursday, June 23, 1977, Jerry Garcia Band (JGB) out-of-pattern early and late shows at Santa Rosa High School. High school gigs were pretty unusual for Garcia at any point (beyond early Grateful Dead), but by the late 1970s it almost always meant that there was some personal connection, somehow, to Garcia. For example, Garcia-Kahn…