Category: Chuck and Janet Vasseur

  • Open-Air Vasseur: JGB at Shoreline, July 26, 1992

    LN jg1992-07-26.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.141462.flac1644 Brief listening notes. Vasseur Warfield tapes are incredible. Vasseur Shoreline tapes are … incredible. So much air in this mics. Wow. Jerry does some extra percussive stuff in a few places that I found noteworthy. Guy who called out “Reuben!” and got it must have been pretty fired up. I would have been. I…

  • Donny’s Debut: JGB at the Warfield, February 4, 1994

    LN jg1994-02-04.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.146010.flac1644 Friday, February 4, 1994 through Sunday, February 6, 1994 are super interesting, for reasons that may not be independent. The amazing drummer David Kemper was let go at some point between the end of the fall ’93 tour and the first night of this run, for reasons that seem unclear even to him. After…

  • Rocks, Bottles, and a Tired-Sounding Jerry: JGB at the Warfield, February 27, 1993

    Apparently 12 people were arrested after this Saturday night show, allegedly for throwing rocks and bottles at police. Ten months earlier had seen unrest in the area, not necessarily caused by Jerry’s kids, but related instead to acquittal of the cops in their trial for beating Rodney King in LA. No idea what might have…

  • Jerry, tògòtigi – JGB at the Warfield, Wednesday, March 9, 1994

    Marquee for Jerry (who?) at the Warfield, March 9, 1994. I would LOVE to find out who the photographer is and give credit. I love the image above, of the Warfield marquee reading just “Jerry” for the March 9, 1994 JGB show, because, assuming his last name is not photoshopped out, it speaks to who…

  • I actually had to FF: JGB at Portland Meadows, 8/8/93

    LN jg1993-08-08.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.145607.flac1644 Nick thought the titular show was OK, but the vocals were so catastrophically bad that I actually couldn’t really listen to this. The only other show that has revulsed me in the same way was 11/23/72, and that was as much about the recording (overloaded, especially on the vocals) as it was about the…

  • Jerry Has Fallen, and He Can’t Get Up

    OK, maybe I am feeling a little bit cranky. I have been doing some late era listening, and it’s not always easy. Wednesday, April 20, 1994 at the Warfield, for example, has a “Don’t Let Go” – which is good! – but it falls into quite a remarkable rut. From 3:22-6:03 of this lovely Vasseur…

  • A Second Triumphant Return: JGB, Halloween ’92

    LN jg1992-10-31.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.141463.flac1644 Almost six years to the day after Jerry’s “Triumphant Return” from death’s door with the Garcia Band at the Stone, on October 31, 1992 he made a second comeback from a major health scare, playing with the JGB in the less homey Oakland Coliseum Arena less than three months after collapsing at home…

  • Cities Burn and The Show Goes On: JGB at the Warfield, April 30, 1992

    jg1992-04-30.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.141475.flac1644 On April 30, 1992, as on other Thursdays before, at least a couple American cities were in flames as protests over racial injustice turned violent and disorderly in the aftermath of a Simi Valley jury’s acquittal of four LAPD officers accused in the March 1991 beating of black motorist Rodney King. The Garcia Band…

  • 4/23/93: great setlist, low energy

    LN jg1993-04-23.jgb.all.aud-neumann.15923.shn2flac Great setlist, low energy. At least that’s how I hear it. Jerry Garcia Band Warfield Theater 982 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94102 April 23, 1993 (Friday) Neumann KM54 MAD shnid-15923 shn2flac –set I (7 tracks, 56:56)– s1t01. … Cats Under The Stars [#8:13] [0:47] s1t02. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door [10:15] [0:26] s1t03.…

  • Body … Bent and Broken

    LN jg1994-09-10.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.23791.shn2flac Man, these late era shows are really changing my understanding of Old Garcia. I have been saying it in these recent posts: his lacks lung-power, his voice is weak, his muscles are atrophied and his wrists are sore. He is prone to forgetting lyrics. These physical limitations dictate his vocal and instrumental approaches.…