Category: Close Encounters

  • Compensation on TDIH

    I have explored, mentally more than online, the hypothesis that when Jerry’s vocals were especially, noteworthily bad, he compensated with his guitar playing, really concentrating on it and giving it extra “oomph”. If we could gather all the data (like continuous measures of the quality of singing and guitar playing), the compensation hypothesis might be…

  • A Monster Don’t Let Go at Hartwick College, December 3, 1977

    LN jg1977-12-03.jgb.90mins.aud-unk-russell.LOSSY.flac1644 update whenever: seems like this material is lossy. One hopes the source tapes can be located and archived at higher resolution (on the sonic plane for sure, but also informationally!). Not a huge amount to say. A show that has been MiA, around which some setlist uncertainty remains. See my overly baroque notes below.…

  • JGB: November-December 1977 East Coast Tour Rarities

    1977 The Jerry Garcia Band (JGB) was formed in 1975 to be a professional recording and touring band, and in productive years the Band would do a late-year East Coast tour. I’d guess the germ of this tradition formed in 1973, when Garcia and Saunders played the Hell’s Angels Forever gig on the S.S. Bay…