Category: Colden Auditorium

  • “Bloody Hell”

    A while back I posted some listening notes from the Jim Cooper audience tape of the Jerry Garcia Band (JGB) show at Colden Auditorium, Queens College, Queens, NY on Thursday, October 30, 1975. When called to summarize the show in a headline for my etree list, which is a date index for the site, I…

  • JGB at Queens College, October 30, 1975

    LN jg1975-10-30.jgb.all.aud-cooper.124251.flac2496 Have barely had time to write a word about the Hopkins-era JGB these last 4+ years of blogging and hiatuses. That remains true, so the writeup will be short. Bottom line is that I think Nicky sounds really good (i.e., reasonably sober). I sort of figure that the day off the day before…