Category: David Crosby

  • August 1971 Crosby super session / double album project to end the Vietnam War?

    update: Never Trust A Prankster 🙂 via GIPHY Bruce Rostenstein was an ouststanding rock columnist for the American University Eagle in the early 1970s. That paper has been digitized, and like so many other college papers, offers up all kinds of goodness for the intrepid researcher. His October 29, 1971 column brings forth something I have…

  • Link: David & the Dorks: 1970 SBDs adding: “fwiw it sounds like Mick on both recordings to these ears”. h/t Silberman

  • Reading Notes: Signpost to a New Space and Stoned Sunday Rap

    These are “reading notes” – little stuff I cull when I read. I copy and paste the quotes into thematic documents (e.g., drugs.docx), so all of this has been “processed” out of the book, and up one level, into thematic or other kinds of buckets. You may not find the quotes of greatest interest to…

  • San Francisco Sessions, 1970

    **updated 8/10/2015, especially under heading D** **update2 8/11, more, especially, in section D** **updated 8/12, re-ordered sections (now goes from more micro and Jerrycentric to more macro (and less so)), also reworked some of section D, though not really many new words.** I have been processing information from contracts filed at the American Federation of…

  • One of these is not like the others

  • Just Play

    Going through some scratched up old CDs, I found a copy of the Crosby, Stills and Nash release Carry On (Atlantic 7567804872, 2006). Entering some dates to trace Croz’s whereabouts in the various periods in which he frequented the Garciaverse (most intensely, fall 1969-fall 1971 and again March-September 1975), I am reminded that Crosby, Stills,…

  • Biblical Serendipity Alert

    Let’s start by recognizing that, insofar as the probability of a given event happening is the product of the individual probabilities of all of the events needed to produce it, we certainly shouldn’t be here. Everything is impossible. It’s nonetheless funny when individually improbable streams cross, which is what’s happening when we talk about serendipity.…

  • Darkness, Darkness

    **Fulsomely updated, 11/28/2014 at 12:34 PM, GMT -0700)** **update2: Blogger is making me crazy. Sorry for poor formatting** This post now needs to be completely reconstituted. 1. San Diego papers  I mentioned in my 11/18/73 post that the San Diego State Daily Aztec is digitized and online. Bravo, and thank you, librarians! They have also,…

  • January 18, 1985: Strung Out and Busted

    January 18, 1985 has got to be Rock Bottom for Jerry Garcia: strung out and busted. But let me step back. Six days earlier, Garcia gave an interview to Jas Obrecht and Jon Sievert (Obrecht 1985, 2010). Obrecht reports that the interview took place at the home of Nora Sage, said to be a fan…

  • It’s not that bad, given how much Persian he was doing

    LN jg1984-08-24.jgb.s1.aud-GEMS.124940.flac1644 There are lots of ways to interpret this performance. One reasonable way would be to say that this is just about the nadir of Garcia’s performing career (perhaps 8/26/84), a professional embarrassment shocking only because playing at least competently for a paying audience formed perhaps the only real commitment in his life, a…