Category: DeeDee Dickerson

  • Killer Sugaree and final DDD: JGB at Country Club, Reseda, May 20, 1984

    LN jg1984-05-20.jgb.all.aud-nak300s.79553.flac1644 This Sugaree is in the running for hottest ever, especially in the 6-10 minute range. It opened shows a lot in the 75-77 period, a little less frequently by this time, and it would leave the JGB fold in ’86 to become GD only. But, for my money, the Jerry Band ones from this…

  • I Have A Confession To Make

    I do not know who the JGB backing vocalists were between October 24, 1982 and November 15, 1982 I have posted many, many times about the early 80s backing vocalists (see Appendix below). Our understanding of who was who, and when, was greatly abetted by the fact that Corry Arnold took notes from the GD…

  • Gloria NON Advenit! JGB at Keystone Palo Alto, Saturday, July 10, 1984

    update 1: Jeez … I now think Gloria must have arrived 7/10/84-7/11/84, a Tuesday-Wednesday in Palo Alto. Working backward: she is mentioned in reviews of August 1984 east coast shows. It is an iron law that the band played local warmups before leaving on tour, which would be these birthday shows. And it is just…

  • Digitization Makes Me Happy

    Via, the UCSB Daily Nexus (and before it, the El Gaucho) has been digitized. Having sniffed around Santa Barbara a fair bit (UCSB being my alma mater), I am happy to see this, and found a few good things. First, I have found a preview and a review of OAITW 4/12/73 at the Granada,…

  • JGB in Phishland: Flynn Theater, Burlington, VT, 12/6/83

    Note that I have started changing all of my info to reflect the presence of DeeDee Dickerson on the bus with the JGB in November-December 1983. 12/6/83a Nice Catfish John, otherwise this early show does not light me up. Jerry Garcia Band Flynn Theater 153 Main Street Burlington, VT 05401 December 6, 1983 (Tuesday) –…

  • On the Bus with the Garcia Band

    I was going through the tour documents for the Jerry Garcia Band’s November-December 1983 tour, which was unusually long. I haven’t compared the various JGB tours, but this one and/or the late ’77 tour are the two longest I can think of, without double checking. I have more documents from the 70s than the 80s,…

  • DeeDee Dickerson Discography

    I recently posted a little bit of information from the John Scher Presents program for JGB 5/31/83. It included a little bio on the various band members. In comments, nick picked up on Dee Dee Dickerson’s work with Pharoah Sanders, and posted link to Donna Dickerson at discogs.I had not known her name was Donna.…

  • I sing the blues, where has it led?

    LN jg1983-05-31.jgb.all.aud-vita.76578.flac1644 On Tuesday, May 31, 1983, the Jerry Garcia Band (#15c) lit up an SRO West 52nd Street institution, the venerable Roseland Ballroom, with one of the finest shows of the 1980s.  On any given night, Jerry Garcia could deliver the fucking goods, and this is the fucking goods. Everything crackles. I have titled…

  • Gloria’s First Night Out? Update: NO

    LN jg1984-01-08.jgb.all.aud-CC.xxxxxx.flac2448 update: I now believe this is the first night out for Gloria Jones. update2 (4/16/2020): I no longer believe this is the first night out for Gloria Jones. I now believe that 7/10?/84 enjoys that distinction. First show of 1984, Sunday night at 492 Broadway. This setlist differs from what was traditionally listed,…

  • There is World-Class Guitar Playing Here (JGB at the Arlington in Santa Barbara, May 19, 1984)

    LN jg1984-05-19.jgb.all.aud-rossi-ford.124791.flac1644 Really great tape. And, while things are a little bit uneven, there’s a lot to like in this performance. The arrangements are generally tight and the guitar playing can be outstanding. This band is together. Melvin plays colorfully, drums strong and bass nice and thompin’. Garcia does a lot of very sophisticated layering…