Category: Don Law

  • A JGB drum solo by Bill Kreutzmann – Cape Cod Coliseum, June 18, 1982

    LN jg1982-06-18.jgb.all.aud-craigl.138576.flac1644 For about a minute-twenty in “Don’t Let Go,” Billy K. solos. It’s a little surreal. I have historically loved this show, but nothing much jumps out at me on this listen. JERRY GARCIA BAND Cape Cod Coliseum White’s Path off Route 6 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 June 18, 1982 (Friday) – 8:30 PM…

  • Garcia and Kahn Sell Out: Orpheum Theatre, Boston, November 17, 1984

    LN jg1984-11-17.jgjk.all.aud-drew-seaweed.110537.flac1644 Regular readers will know I have been exploring Garcia’s putative Rock Bottom period by listenings to tapes and more or less noting what I hear. Tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it. I harbor considerable ex ante animus toward this tour – I have heard some first hand reports of its deep, dark,…

  • The Grateful Dead: Top-Grossing Act of 1991

    I just picked up a copy of Pollstar‘s 1991 Year-End Special Edition, entitled Year of the Dead, dated December 31, 1991. Though I don’t do much GD stuff, blogger’s stats tell me that GD posts are the most popular. People are funny. But I digress. One of the reasons I don’t do it is that…