Category: Donny Baldwin

  • Donny’s Debut: JGB at the Warfield, February 4, 1994

    LN jg1994-02-04.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.146010.flac1644 Friday, February 4, 1994 through Sunday, February 6, 1994 are super interesting, for reasons that may not be independent. The amazing drummer David Kemper was let go at some point between the end of the fall ’93 tour and the first night of this run, for reasons that seem unclear even to him. After…

  • LN jg1995-01-13.jgb.s2.aud-sisler-goodbear.79638.flac1648

    update 5/17: I have revisited this date, with rather contrasting perceptions. Needless to say, I don’t get out to 1995 very much. I enjoyed this, overall. It was not a ripoff. Jerry’s guitar play is fine, if mixed very low. The arrangements are pretty interesting, but the execution suffers without David Kemper in the chair.…