Category: Essra Mohawk

  • I Have A Confession To Make

    I do not know who the JGB backing vocalists were between October 24, 1982 and November 15, 1982 I have posted many, many times about the early 80s backing vocalists (see Appendix below). Our understanding of who was who, and when, was greatly abetted by the fact that Corry Arnold took notes from the GD…

  • Second Night Out for Liz and Essra: JGB, Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, June 25, 1981

    update: the original title of this was “First Night Out”, but I have discovered a warmup gig on 6/24/81 at the Keystone Palo Alto (not in Salinas, as I had elaborately laid out). Liz Stires and Essra Mohawk appear to debut as backing vocalists on the night before this show. There are no singers on the late…

  • Q: Where was Jerry on June 24, 1981? A: Breaking in new singers at the Keystone Palo Alto

    update:  I have found a listing for JGB playing Keystone Palo Alto this Wednesday night, 6/24/81. It makes sense – first night out for Liz Stires and Essra Mohawk, and they usually played gigs on off-nights and/or off-the-beaten path when breaking in new members. That seems especially pertinent when the first two gigs are going…

  • JGB: early 1980s drummers and backup singers

    I posted some listening notes from the 10/13/82 JGB show at the Catalyst in Santa Cruz, CA. A priori, two things are particularly interesting about that show. First, it’s the public debut of drummer Greg Errico with the Jerry Garcia Band in this particular stint (he had done a mini-tour with them in July 1980).…