Category: Fate Music

  • “the world’s most recorded musician in the world’s most famous arena”

    Jerrybase: The Red Light folks tagged GarciaLive 16 (MSG 11/15/91) with the subject line, and I have to say that it’s badass. That crew does a good job, IMO. I am not kissing up. It’s a hard job and they have released some amazing stuff. And that’s just a good line. Tip o’ the cap.…

  • Fate Music in a Nutshell: JGB at MSG: November 15, 1991

    I just changed the name at the top of the blog from Jerry Garcia’s Middle Finger to reflect the progress I am making on Fate Music: Jerry Garcia’s Name-Claiming Journey Beyond the Grateful Dead. That subtitle subject to change, that lead title not. The best summary narrative is in my review of Jerry Garcia Band. Garcia…

  • ISO OAITW paper

    ISO OAITW paper

    I am looking, not quite desperately but maybe with some urgency, for some vintage Old And In The Way paper. Could be an Old And In The Way poster, could be an Old And In The Way handbill. I am writing Fate Music, with a credible plan to finish the manuscript this calendar year. The…

  • Linked Jazz –> Linked Jerry (a.k.a., the Side Trips Social Network)

    Something like this will form the centerpiece image (I will pay for color) of Fate Music. I presented a brutally rudimentary glimpse of such a thing like ten years ago at the GD Studies caucus meeting in ABQ, calling it “The Side Trips Social Network”. WOW

  • Nina Blackwood Interviews Jerry Garcia for MTV, ca. June 2, 1983

    Some classic lines here, like the studio as building a ship in a bottle and playing live like piloting a rowboat in the ocean. I wasn’t super careful about getting everything 100% perfect, especially not where there’s GD talk. I am not 100% certain about the geolocation, but it’s got to be about right. Jerry…

  • MTV Interview, June 2, 1983

    I don’t know where this would have taken place, but the date of June 2, 1983 seems right, in between shows at the venerable Roseland Ballroom on 52nd Street and promoter John Scher’s main room, the Capitol Theatre in Passaic outside of Philly. I have gotten direct quotes on the Garcia-on-the-side (GOTS) material, and sketchily…

  • March 23, 1975 – Jerry Garcia Interview

    I don’t know who the interviewer is, nor the radio station from which this particular recorded. It is the first track of shnid-126296. This is the interview Jerry gave before the SNACK Benefit at Kezar Stadium. Sounds like reading the newspapers around the time of the show will prove interesting, mismanagement of budgets by bureaucrats…

  • Hartbeats as Tempo Études

    LN jg1968-10-30.hartbeats.163mins.sbd-gadsden.xxxxxx.flac1644 Well, we probably won’t ever be able to identify everything about the various Matrix Tapes (dates, personnel, etc.), with 100% certainty. But there’s no particular reason to doubt that this is something like Mickey and the Hartbeats (here, as Jerry Garcia, Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart, with guest Elvin Bishop on a few tunes)…