Category: GD

  • GD Frost ’85 matrix

    Man, this recording from TDIH sounds nice to these ol’ ears.

  • Poynette

    Let me just remind you on the show’s 49th birthday that three years after the fact, a program called “Studio None” on cable channel 4 in Madison apparently broadcast footage of the Dead and Baby Huey from the [4/26/70] gig. The listing refers to “the 1969 Poynette Rock Festival”, but I think this must be…

  • My First Dead Show

    Now available in all kinds of good sound, including this 24 bit / 96 kHz pure sbd from Charlie Miller. This show was the first time in my life that I felt utterly unjudged by those around me.

  • Just Like Wolfman Jack

    Man, the Dead’s 3/26/73 show in Baltimore is the cat’s meow. Hearing Garcia grin behind his beard during Ramble on Rose, after Wolman Jack had just come out on stage and done his thing, is worth the price of admission — which, due to the miracle of Deadhead ingenuity and the internet happens to be…

  • Mr. Sandoz Dilaudid

    I have a memory of hearing Phil say this over the PA during one of the Dead’s Egypt shows, but I have no idea if this was just a dream I dreamed, it happened at another show, something like this but not exactly like this happened, or something else. Does this ring a bell to…

  • a great matrix My goodness, what a great sounding recording! Garcia is on fire for the whole first set (all I have heard so far). He sounds amazing. The guitar playing is fluent and fiery, the vocals are lucid and not dreadfully junky-sounding. The whole band sounds good. Lots of train references in the first set, even…

  • “Citizens of Boise – Submit! You Are a Conquered People”

  • Grass Valley Grateful Dead Why? Don’t ask why, just listen (if you care to). Patched out of Yamaguchi/Poris and a set of modded Nak 700s. Someone speculates in notes whether a 3rd mic is operating, because Phil. And, yes, Straw ambling out, and – Phil. And, drums. Here are the notes, some classic stuff in here: – tapes…

  • E72 post 14

    Should have been mentioning that there’s been some good Tigering in the recent PITBs. 5/18/72 bullets follow. Overall, a wonderful show up to Dark Star (where I left off yesterday). I confess that I managed to “miss” “It Hurts Me Too” and “You Win Again” while my headphones had to be removed. Whole (rest of)…

  • E72 post 13

    5/13/72 fin I know the Lille cancellation and then 5/13/72 has been discussed by LIA and probably Corry in his recent free gigs post. These E72 posts of mine just can’t do justice to what’s out there – feel free to post additional links in comments! I like this show, a lot. The first set…