Category: Gloria Jones

  • I Have A Confession To Make

    I do not know who the JGB backing vocalists were between October 24, 1982 and November 15, 1982 I have posted many, many times about the early 80s backing vocalists (see Appendix below). Our understanding of who was who, and when, was greatly abetted by the fact that Corry Arnold took notes from the GD…

  • Gloria NON Advenit! JGB at Keystone Palo Alto, Saturday, July 10, 1984

    update 1: Jeez … I now think Gloria must have arrived 7/10/84-7/11/84, a Tuesday-Wednesday in Palo Alto. Working backward: she is mentioned in reviews of August 1984 east coast shows. It is an iron law that the band played local warmups before leaving on tour, which would be these birthday shows. And it is just…

  • RIP, Gloria Jones

    Bob Minkin just posted on Facebook that Gloria Jones has passed away. May she rest in peace.

  • Digitization Makes Me Happy

    Via, the UCSB Daily Nexus (and before it, the El Gaucho) has been digitized. Having sniffed around Santa Barbara a fair bit (UCSB being my alma mater), I am happy to see this, and found a few good things. First, I have found a preview and a review of OAITW 4/12/73 at the Granada,…

  • Gloria’s First Night Out? Update: NO

    LN jg1984-01-08.jgb.all.aud-CC.xxxxxx.flac2448 update: I now believe this is the first night out for Gloria Jones. update2 (4/16/2020): I no longer believe this is the first night out for Gloria Jones. I now believe that 7/10?/84 enjoys that distinction. First show of 1984, Sunday night at 492 Broadway. This setlist differs from what was traditionally listed,…

  • First Night Out for Kemper: Keystone Palo Alto, 7/20/83 (WED)

    LN jg1983-07-20.jgb.all.aud-CC.xxxxxx.flac2448 First night out for drummer David Kemper and Gloria Jones. (See also “Second night out for Kemper: The Stone, 7/21/83“.) This was conventionally considered the first show for vocalist Gloria Jones, but the late ’83 Garcia Band tour still featured DeeDeeDickerson, and as of 2020 I am quite sure that DDD was around…

  • JGB: female vocalists, late 1983 east coast tour

    update 2016: there is overwhelming evidence that DeeDee Dickerson took part in the late ’83 JGB tour. She is on the band’s tour documents. As of 2/19/2019, I believe DeeDee was present until at least 5/19/84; the earliest confirmed reference I can find to Gloria Jones dates to 8/11/84. update 2020: Gloria’s first show appears…