Category: Good Old Boys

  • Good Old Boys at Keystone: June 14, 1974

    I  just want to pin down some details of the Good Old Boys sets from June 13 and June 14, 1974, opening for Great American String Band. These come from tape that I have been able to audition but that is not supposed to circulate. Sometimes, a “hush-hush” approach is necessary to protect the innocent.…

  • Good Old Boys at Keystone: June 13, 1974

    I  just want to pin down some details of the Good Old Boys sets from June 13-14, 1974, opening for Great American String Band. These come from tape that I have been able to audition but that is not supposed to circulate. Sometimes, a “hush-hush” approach is necessary to protect the innocent. That’s not the…

  • Good Old Boys at Margarita’s Cantina! John Cutler taped these shows from February 20-21, 1975, and they are now up for official release. Wow! Cryptdev saw one of these shows. See also: Corry, “The Good Old Boys: Jerry Garcia, Producer (and some banjo)“ My goodness, can’t wait to hear these.

  • Jerry’s January 1976

    (formatting will almost certainly be a mess – I blame Blogger) I.                    Preface My band is in a state of flux right now. John Kahn and Ron Tutt and I are the main … are the nucleus of it, such as it is. We’re hoping to have a four-piece band that we all like, sometime.…

  • Oscuro – February 2, 1975

    (Editorial note: I debated whether to post this, for two reasons. First, these are people’s lives. I will try to stick to the facts. Second, as an aesthetic proposition, obscurity needs to be done in moderation — it isn’t always fun to try to take in, in looking at a painting or in trying to…

  • GAMB: July 7, 1974, CXL’D?

    So, these showed up on ebay a few months back. Poster advertising a “Freak Fair” from July 4-7, 1974 at Shorebird Park on the Berkeley Marina. The red-and-white line drawn poster features illustrations of a native American, a hot air balloon “Enterprise”, a geodesic dome, and mintrally-inspired freaks dancing. Listed attractions include jugglers, belly dancers,…