Category: Hells Angels

  • The Little Engine That Could

    LN jg1978-03-10.jgb.all.aud-zimmerman-minches.80887.flac1644 Love this image of Jerry’s face on a locomotive. The show didn’t do that much for me, though I do give rare praise to Dixie Down. Reviewer paints a picture of the Dirty F$%^ing Hippies and assorted others: The dressing room backstage at the Auditorium Theater [sic] has that lived-in look. The air…

  • Garcia, Cutler, Hunter, unidentified woman chatting, ca. 1970 Not much very revelatory, but nice to hear Hunter rapping, and they talk together about Altamont. Around 20, we get some Hells Angels talk. Garcia: “It’s almost like having tigers on the streets.” Hunter, in a classic case of how these guys romanticized the Angels and other outlaws: “Hells Angels are Robin Hood. Cutler…

  • Reading Notes – Loren 2014

    Loren, Richard, with Stephen Abney. 2014. High Notes: A Rock Memoir. Demariscotta, ME: East Pond Publishing. When I read a book that I will need to be able to cite chapter and verse, this is how I arrange the chapters and verses. I just pull out quotes and other observations, I effectively tag them, and…

  • OAITW – October 5, 1973, Civic Auditorium, Santa Cruz, CA

    Ahhh, beautiful, beautiful libraries. Below is the stuff I found around the Old And In The Way gig played Friday, October 5, 1973 at the Civic Auditorium, 307 Church Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 [map | Jerrybase | JGC | JGBP]. cryptdev was in attendance! Let me first note, because I can’t resist the pretty colors,…

  • Angels in the Balcony? JGB, March 27, 1982 Keystone

    LN jg1982-03-27.jgb.all-1.aud-knudsen-GEMS.111727.flac1644 Gave this an anniversary listen today, and it pleasantly surprised me. There’s an awful lot of depth of feeling in this whole show. Sugaree is very good right off the bat, and in the first set only “After Midnight” does less than it might have; I blame the arrangements, which just feel too…

  • March 23, 1975 – Jerry Garcia Interview

    I don’t know who the interviewer is, nor the radio station from which this particular recorded. It is the first track of shnid-126296. This is the interview Jerry gave before the SNACK Benefit at Kezar Stadium. Sounds like reading the newspapers around the time of the show will prove interesting, mismanagement of budgets by bureaucrats…

  • JGB 9/15/76 S.S. Duchess, New York City Harbor, New York, NY

    The relationship between the Grateful Dead and the Hells Angels has been pretty well discussed, though I am sure there’s tons more to say. That’s for others to do. Here I’ll just note that Garcia also worked with the Angels outside the GD framework. I have made a few posts with Hells Angels content. I…

  • There is World-Class Guitar Playing Here (JGB at the Arlington in Santa Barbara, May 19, 1984)

    LN jg1984-05-19.jgb.all.aud-rossi-ford.124791.flac1644 Really great tape. And, while things are a little bit uneven, there’s a lot to like in this performance. The arrangements are generally tight and the guitar playing can be outstanding. This band is together. Melvin plays colorfully, drums strong and bass nice and thompin’. Garcia does a lot of very sophisticated layering…

  • Legal Aid for Unnamed Angels

    LN jg1973-10-02.jgms.all.sbd-alligator.83809.flac1644 I am sure Blair and McNally and all the other sources go into the obscure story of the Legal Aid Benefit. I just re-read the one source I have at hand, John Wasserman’s very suspicious-sounding piece in the Chronicle a few days later (1). Sounds like some Angels, facilitated by Sam Cutler and…

  • Righteousness, and Two Guests: JGMS, Keystone Berkeley, February 16, 1974

    LN jg1974-02-16.jgms.all.sbd-alligator.91471.flac1644 A few days ago I posted about an advertised but canceled Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders band gig (Kahn and Kreutzmann rounding things out) scheduled for 2/16/74 at the Capitol Theatre in Passaic, NJ. I irresponsibly dropped a few notes about the replacement show for the night, and here I follow up on…