Category: HWJG

  • Pearl’s Wake

    Around November 3, 1970 the Associate Press (AP) had an item in lots of papers noting that Janis Joplin had left $2,500 in her will for a big ol’ celebration of her life after her passing. Invitations went out reading “The drinks are on Pearl”, and it happened at the Lion’s Share in San Anselmo.…

  • A Second Hooteroll?

    In reporting that Epic/Columbia Custom Records and Douglas Records had re-upped on their distribution deal in spring 1972, Cash Box noted that one expected piece of product was “an encore of the collaboration between Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia and keyboard man Howard Wales”. News to me. ! ref: “Col, Douglas Dist. Renewal,” Cash Box,…

  • Hooteroll? with Howard Wales and Jerry Garcia – Crouse Auditorium, Syracuse University, January 22, 1972

    Previously unknown gig. Thanks to carville for sharing!

  • Jerry Garcia, January 17, 1972-January 29, 1972

    Here’s a visualization of the Garciaverse from January 17-29, 1972. This being blogger, I hope you can see it. “Jerry Garcia, January 17, 1972-January 29, 1972” Here is the Codebook as PDF. There’s no particular reason I am showing this slice, just wanted to give you all a look at how some of the cancellations…

  • Risk and Challenge in the 1970s

    Here’s a back-of-the-napkin sketch, my subjective assessment, of the musical risks and challenges associated with Garcia’s 1970s bands (qua personnel and repertoire) playing black and race-fusion music. So, this includes Wales-Garcia, all of the Jerry and Merl outfits, and all of the JGBs. It excludes NRPS, OAITW, GAMB/GASB (playing mostly white roots music), and the…

  • HWJG19710801 question

    A little while back we had a whole series of things related to Howard Wales / Jerry Garcia Hooteroll? Hooteroll?–When Was It Recorded?  — LLD, Jan. 6, 2011 Response to LLD’s Hooteroll–When Was It Recorded? — JGMF, Jan. 7, 2011 Hooteroll? Next Part — JGMF, 1/13/2011 In that last one, I mentioned Blair Jackson’s information…

  • Response to LLD’s Hooteroll–When Was It Recorded?

    Corry has an important and rich post over at LLD on the mystery that shrouds the recording of Howard Wales / Jerry Garcia, Hooteroll [deaddisc entry]. I started to reply in comments over there, but began to write more than I thought suitable for that little sub-medium (a minimum?), so I thought I’d just let…

  • HWJG: Quick Questions on the January ’72 East Coast Tour

    Howard Wales and Jerry Garcia (HWJG) is another one of these things about which I have a great deal to say, but no time to get it down except in dribs and drabs. So be it. Quick question or two on the January 1972 east coast tour they did, Jerry’s first non-GD-related paying gigs in…

  • Jerry Garcia at the Matrix, 1970-1971

    As I noted a little bit ago, Ross Hannan sent some wonderful info on Matrix gigs. In this post I respond to some of his listings with questions, additional or different information, etc. I was just going to email this, but one never knows when someone else might see this and be able to weigh-in.…

  • Jerry Garcia and Howard Wales: June 7, 1970, Matrix, San Francisco, CA (PHANTOM)

    The Jerry Site still doesn’t have any way to keep a list of deleted shows. If one is deleted or its date is changed, the old entry evaporates. So I am trying to keep track of what disappears under this “TJS-deletion” tag. Anyway, TJS has listed a Garcia/Wales show for Sunday, June 7, 1970, probably…