Category: interviews

  • Garcia’s Creative Accounting, late March 1975

    In late March 1975, Peter Simon interviewed Garcia at the “film house”  (230 Eldridge Avenue, Mill Valley, CA, 94941), for publication in New Age Journal (Simon 1975). NAJ: You’re also doing a solo album and touring with Merl Saunders. In that you have so many projects at once, how do you channel your energy so…

  • Alex Bennett interviews the Dead, September 16, 1970

    Bennett, Alex, “Alex Bennett with the Grateful Dead. Interview broadcast on WMCA in New York City in 1970 [radio broadcast],” Grateful Dead Archive Online, accessed August 2, 2015, Nothing here is verbatim, but hopefully this can provide some markers if anyone else wants to go check this out. A few things of interest. First,…

  • Bill Cooper Interviews Jerry Garcia, May 1982

    Here’s a nice companion piece that really resonates with “Bob Coburn Interviews Jerry Garcia, November 8, 1982″. My notes/transcriptions are little sketchy, but here’s what jumps out to me. On Run for the Roses, with some anti-marketing: I’ve been working on it for quite a long time. I’ve had to squeeze it in amongst and…

  • Bob Coburn Interviews Jerry Garcia, November 8, 1982

    Garcia, Jerry, 1942-1995, “Bob Coburn with Jerry Garcia. “Rockline” radio show, hosted by Bob Coburn, broadcast on November 8, 1982. Includes an interview and phone calls from listeners [radio broadcast],” Grateful Dead Archive Online, accessed August 2, 2015, Garcia had two pretty good reasons to do a live national “Rockline” radio interview on Monday,…

  • Signpost to a New Space and Stoned Sunday Rap – Dates

    I have just finished transcribing the parts of particular interest to me from Signpost to a New Space and the Stoned Sunday Rap (Garcia, Reich and Wenner 2003 [1972]), and I have now posted reading notes. Me being me, I have always wondered about the dates of these sessions. Here is the timeline for what…

  • Reading Notes: Henke 1991

    LIA posted a quote from this, I stumbled across it amidst my materials, and I decided now was as good a time as any to annotate it. Henke, James. 1991. The Rolling Stone Interview: Jerry Garcia. Rolling Stone, October 31, 34-40, 103, 106, 108. Two September 1991 afternoons, hotel room overlooking Central Park. July 1991…

  • Garcia, Cutler, Hunter, unidentified woman chatting, ca. 1970 Not much very revelatory, but nice to hear Hunter rapping, and they talk together about Altamont. Around 20, we get some Hells Angels talk. Garcia: “It’s almost like having tigers on the streets.” Hunter, in a classic case of how these guys romanticized the Angels and other outlaws: “Hells Angels are Robin Hood. Cutler…

  • Reading Notes: Dupree 1974

    Zoo World, January 31, 1974. “Cover photo captured by Mario Algaze the afternoon of a Leas Campbell presentation of the Grateful Dead at Curtis Hixon Hall in Tampa, Fla.”, December 18 or 19, 1973. A clean-shaven Jerry Garcia in Tampa, Florida, December 18 or 19, 1973. Photograph by Mario Algaze, published in Zoo World, January…

  • Jerry on Jerry A book of previously unreleased Jerry Garcia interviews is coming out this fall to mark the 20th anniversary of his death and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Grateful Dead. Hachette Book Group imprint Black Dog & Levanthal announced Tuesday that “Jerry on Jerry” will be published in November. The book will…

  • A Conversation With Jerry So many data, so little time. One item on my lengthy “to-do” list is to try to process every Garcia interview. It’s finite, naturally enough, and thus in principle do-able. In practice, well, only so many hours. Anyway, this one is a bunch of raw tape for Rolling Stone 20th, 1987 sometime. Some really…