Category: Irvine

  • Jerry Band SoCal ’89

    LN jg1989-05-19.jgb.all.aud-tfh.24537.flac1644 LN jg1989-05-20.jgb.all.sbd-miller.20679.shn2flac LN jg1989-05-22.jgb.all.aud-ebay-liberation.150868.flac2448 The Jerry Band in SoCal After the Jerry Band started in 1975, SoCal trips were mostly one, two- and few-offs – no real tours as we define them at Jerrybase. Starting in spring 1983, the band started doing what were called “tours” in-house, but were typically just a couple days, couple…

  • The Auds Have It – JGB at Irvine Meadows, May 18, 1984

    LN LN jg1984-05-18.jgb.all.aud-french.84138.flac1644 There is a famous story of President Abraham Lincoln, taking a vote in a cabinet meeting on whether to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. All his cabinet secretaries vote nay, whereupon Lincoln raises his right hand and declares: “The ayes have it!” (source) Just had an interesting experience highlighting the variable reactions that different…

  • Last Time in Irvine: JGB at Irvine Meadows, May 15, 1994

    I forewarned a few posts back that I had some backlogged listening notes, and have been posting them this weekend. They were backlogged, in many cases, because I just didn’t have that much to say. I often check the date index for the blog in picking something to listen to, looking for gaps or inflection…

  • Half Century Jerry: JGB in Irvine, August 1, 1992

    In looking at the date index for the blog, I noticed I hadn’t engaged a 1992 show, and the only tag for the year wasn’t really focused on it. I confess that I have a strong prior that 1992 sucks. I have spun pieces of shows a time or two, and even whole ones, including…