Category: Jerry

  • The 1974 Garcia/Saunders instrumental previously listed as “Bags’ Groove”

    UPDATE 1/24/2015: Commenter Nick has determined that this is actually “Darben The Redd Foxx“. For fans of Jerry Garcia’s pre-1975 excursions beyond the Grateful Dead, one of the great fun things is to hear Jerry trying on really unusual material, seemingly without much preparation. I think of the instrumental versions of “Day By Day” (from…

  • The mystery of the Jerry Garcia Band 11/28/77 ticket stubs

    I just don’t know what to make of this.   What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, are five unique ticket stubs for a Jerry Garcia show at SUNY Stony Brook (Gym) on November 28, 1977.  There is another stub that used to be linked from the Jerry Site which is distinct from these five.…

  • Reconstruction: August 10, 1979, Temple Beautiful, San Francisco, CA

    I don’t think I have blogged much about Reconstruction, the jazz-R&B-soul-funk-rock-disco outfit formed by John Kahn that performed in 1979 and that regularly “featured” Jerry Garcia on guitar. This is one of Garcia’s most unusual side trips. It features lots of tunes that he had never done before and would never do again, with my…

  • GD/NRPS: May 28, 1971, Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (CANCELED)

    In an earlier post I discussed the infamous May 29, 1971 Grateful Dead show at Winterland at which a large number of people reacted adversely to being dosed. As Corry noted in comments, the Grateful Dead and New Riders of the Purple Sage show scheduled for the night before (May 28, 1971) was canceled due…

  • Garcia on Stephen Stills albums

    Matt Scofield’s discography, at, is one of those incredible community resources that I have vowed never to take for granted. It’s amazing, obviously a labor of love, and it contains a wealth of information about the GD, Garcia, and lots of the related and contemporaneous acts, venues, albums and individuals of interest. Here I’ll…

  • The New Peanut Butter Sandwich: October 16, 1966, Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA

    Having just posted about Garcia’s October 1966 sit-in with Big Brother and the Holding Company, I’ll follow on with what is even more interesting-sounding (though it apparently didn’t come off that well). Mojo Navigator R&R News no. 9 (October 17, 1966) gives a brief account of the evening, which apparently included a configuration (“One Night…

  • Jerry sitting in with Big Brother, October 1966: which date?

    Lost Live Dead posted about a Garcia sit-in with Big Brother and the Holding Company on October 15, 1966. Based on the context of an account in Mojo Navigator no. 9 (October 17, 1966), I am going to argue that this is incorrect. According to MN, this all happened on a Sunday, while 10/15 was…

  • Mid-1975 album mixing at Heider’s

    Can you tell I am going through some fragments? Anyway, this little tidbit, from August 1975, has me a bit puzzled. Which album is this? I just don’t recall any Jerry-related work at Heider’s at this time. The Grateful Dead might have been referred to in this way at this time (they had played the…

  • Garcia first solo album, tidbit

    Not sure whatever became of this … am I missing something? The only Douglas Records release with Jerry that I know of is Hooteroll? I don’t recall any direct Commander Cody involvement with Jerry, on-stage or in-studio. File under “maybe was” or something like that, I guess.

  • Hartbeats: October “1969” misidentification

    I just briefly posted some time back with an image of the Matrix poster that I bought myself. I have now had it framed and I have to say that it looks wonderful. The nice thing about having obscure taste is that some of the stuff that really interests me (e.g., New Riders) has less…