Category: JGB

  • Southwest Jerry with the JGB #15b No-Longer-A-Mystery Singers: Mesa and Austin, October 30 – November 1, 1982

    LN jg1982-10-30.jgb.all.aud-maurins.120334.flac1644 LN jg1982-11-01.jgb.all.aud-dogman.100575.flac1644 I have recently copped to the fact that I have no idea who the backing vocalists are from October 24, 1982 to November 15, 1982, comprising a swing south to LA and Arizona, east across Texas (Austin and Houston) and to New Orleans, and up the eastern seaboard. It hurts me to have…

  • I Have A Confession To Make

    I do not know who the JGB backing vocalists were between October 24, 1982 and November 15, 1982 I have posted many, many times about the early 80s backing vocalists (see Appendix below). Our understanding of who was who, and when, was greatly abetted by the fact that Corry Arnold took notes from the GD…

  • Nice RAC, Señor: JGB at the Warfield, April 25, 1994, set II

    Not much bandwidth these days, so some bullets. 1) I am way behind on posting listening notes. I have lots backed up, and many of them are pretty spare. I have sometimes threatened to post these kind of notes in batches, just to get them out of my mind, and not always followed up. This…

  • The August ’85 Electric Shows

    LN jg1985-08-04.jgb.all.aud-connor.11041.shn2flac LN jg1985-08-05.jgb.all.aud-connor.11121.shn2flacLN jg1985-08-09.jgb.all.aud-connor.11131.shn2flacLN jg1985-08-10.jgb.all.aud-connor.11145.shn2flac Waaayyyy back when, in the early lossless era, when shn ruled the roost and files could best be had by FTP (though some grabbed binaries from usenet groups), Charlie Connor’s August 1985 Jerry Band tapes were pretty special. They still are, in the sense that they sound nice (patched…

  • Ike Stubblefield with the Jerry Garcia Band (aside on Bernard Purdie)

    Thanks to commenter Patrick, the following claim has been brought to my attention: “In the ’70s, during which he moved between London, New York and San Francisco, Ike Stubblefield shared the stage with the Jerry Garcia Band.” I guess Mr. Stubblefield just passed away (RIP). His wikipedia page notes gives a timeframe for the JGB…

  • In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: JGB at Keystone, March 22, 1984

      LN jg1984-03-22.jgb.all.aud-corley.22191.shn2flac Over the years, I thought that maybe February ’82 was my least favorite JGB month, supplying a “warmish-dampish-Motel-6-towel feeling, without the hygiene”, the drugs starting to really take their toll, not so much terrible as just vaguely gross. Well, it has come to my attention that March 1984 is pretty bad, too. I…

  • 42

    Regular reader Dr. Jeff once asked that I post listening notes for Jerry’s 42nd birthday show at the Stone, 8/1/84. I have dutifully done so, some years later, and have just about nothing to report. Jerrybase tells me that he hadn’t opened a second set w How Sweet in over three years, so there is…

  • How about the Mouth on that Beast? JGB at the Stone, February 2, 1980, as recorded by Bad Bob Menke

    LN jg1980-02-02.jgb.all.aud-menke-motb-0038.105635.flac1644 I recently revisited an old favorite, 2/17/80, and surprised myself by not noting anything about the “After Midnight -> Eleanor Rigby -> After Midnight” medley, to say nothing of an old favorite of another kind, “Positively 4th Street”. I have vowed to revisit these. Someone was also extolling old favorite 3/8/80 on its recent…

  • Donny’s Debut: JGB at the Warfield, February 4, 1994

    LN jg1994-02-04.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.146010.flac1644 Friday, February 4, 1994 through Sunday, February 6, 1994 are super interesting, for reasons that may not be independent. The amazing drummer David Kemper was let go at some point between the end of the fall ’93 tour and the first night of this run, for reasons that seem unclear even to him. After…

  • Rocks, Bottles, and a Tired-Sounding Jerry: JGB at the Warfield, February 27, 1993

    Apparently 12 people were arrested after this Saturday night show, allegedly for throwing rocks and bottles at police. Ten months earlier had seen unrest in the area, not necessarily caused by Jerry’s kids, but related instead to acquittal of the cops in their trial for beating Rodney King in LA. No idea what might have…