Category: Joe Garcia

  • “the world’s most recorded musician in the world’s most famous arena”

    Jerrybase: The Red Light folks tagged GarciaLive 16 (MSG 11/15/91) with the subject line, and I have to say that it’s badass. That crew does a good job, IMO. I am not kissing up. It’s a hard job and they have released some amazing stuff. And that’s just a good line. Tip o’ the cap.…

  • Musician Children of Musician Fathers

    I am identifying lots of musician children of musician fathers in the Garciaverse. So, consider this a request: if you know someone with Spudfactor 1, who is male-identifying, and whose father was a musician, please post to comments. I will start the list here, alpha by last name but presented first-last. Martin Fierro Jerry Garcia…

  • Alice Kahn Fall 1984 interview annotations

    These are for my purposes, no pretense to completeness. I find his comments about Joe Garcia to be quite revealing. There are a few other good nuggets in here. Man, even in the depths of his Rock Bottom period, he sounds engaged and articulate. What a mind! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Fall 1984 interview by Alice Kahn. Date…

  • Which Side Are You On?

    I got a few hours at the San Francisco State University Labor Archives and Research Center to see if the haystack would yield any needles about ol’ Joe Garcia, recalling that Jerry had said his pops had had some hassle with the musicians’ union. What we think we know Blair narrates that in April 1937…

  • Joe and Ruth Garcia: Directory Samples

    1935: no trace of Joe and Ruth Garcia 1940: Jos R (Ruth), restaurant at 399 1st street and home at 121 Amazon 1942: Jos (Ruth) liquors, same addresses 1951: Ruth (wid Jos), bartender, home at 56 Harrington These are neat documents, sitting on shelves next to the world class microfilm scanners on the 5th floor…

  • Reading Notes: Henke 1991

    LIA posted a quote from this, I stumbled across it amidst my materials, and I decided now was as good a time as any to annotate it. Henke, James. 1991. The Rolling Stone Interview: Jerry Garcia. Rolling Stone, October 31, 34-40, 103, 106, 108. Two September 1991 afternoons, hotel room overlooking Central Park. July 1991…

  • LN jg1985-06-01.jgb.all.aud-corley.20921.shn2flac

    There are some points I’d like to flesh out, about The Mission, Jerry’s San Francisco DNA, and the rest of it. But there’s just not time to do everything. Another show with the Modulus Graphite guitar. I hear no difference. Sets are still short in historical perspective. For the book I’ll be able to make…