Category: John Kahn

  • Friday Night at the Boarding House

    edit: well, this is a first – turns out I had already posted a version of this. Heh heh. Presumably, this one is better. April 13-16, 1973 saw Garcia “Four Nights at the Boarding House”, two with Merl Saunders and The Group (JGMS), two with Old And In The Way (OAITW). So much about these…

  • Bill Cooper Interviews Jerry Garcia, May 1982

    Here’s a nice companion piece that really resonates with “Bob Coburn Interviews Jerry Garcia, November 8, 1982″. My notes/transcriptions are little sketchy, but here’s what jumps out to me. On Run for the Roses, with some anti-marketing: I’ve been working on it for quite a long time. I’ve had to squeeze it in amongst and…

  • San Francisco Sessions, 1970

    **updated 8/10/2015, especially under heading D** **update2 8/11, more, especially, in section D** **updated 8/12, re-ordered sections (now goes from more micro and Jerrycentric to more macro (and less so)), also reworked some of section D, though not really many new words.** I have been processing information from contracts filed at the American Federation of…

  • San Francisco Sessions, 1969

    update: changed title 20160319 San Francisco Sessions Series San Francisco Sessions, 1967-1968 San Francisco Sessions, 1969 San Francisco Sessions, 1970 San Francisco Sessions, 1971 San Francisco Sessions, 1972  Moving through the Garciaverse, I pick up lots of pieces that are more degrees of separation out from Jerry than I can ever have real occasion to…

  • San Francisco Sessions, 1967-1968

    updated title 20160319 San Francisco Sessions Series San Francisco Sessions, 1967-1968 San Francisco Sessions, 1969 San Francisco Sessions, 1970 San Francisco Sessions, 1971 San Francisco Sessions, 1972  In the course of my research into Jerry Garcia’s musical life outside the Grateful Dead, I have gathered up, well, an awful lot of stuff. Sometimes I can’t…

  • Carl Lockett and the Side Trips Social Network

    Preface: Reconstruction #2 Jerry Garcia’s commitment to Reconstruction never seemed total, a big problem if you’re John Kahn, first, and then Merl Saunders, looking to reboot the lucrative Garcia-Saunders-Kahn Fantasy Records franchise. It’s no good if the G is wobbly, because “multiracial dance and jazz band with a rotating cast of Bay Area guitarists, including…

  • Reconstruction at the Rainbow – April 11-12, 1979

    Probably my last substantial piece for at least three weeks. I. Barry Fey (1938 – April 28, 2013)[1] A. Background Once upon a time, twentysomething New Yorker Barry Fey set out to promote rock shows in Chicago and wound up in Denver. Arriving there in 1967, he would have found a town built on stuff…

  • Risky Reconstruction

    **massively updated 11/24/2014 11 PM mountain time** I just tipped my hat to the idea of meso level musical risk in Garcia’s side trips. This is the pedantic-even-by-my-high-standards phrasing of the notion that that different bands, qua bands (combinations of players and repertoires), could and did musically challenge Garcia to different degrees. The challenge-comfort continuum…

  • John Kahn video, December 1971

  • Mahalo, Jer: JGB, January 27, 1989 at the Orpheum

     LN jg1989-01-27.jgb.all.sbd-moses.84866.flac1644 Can’t believe I haven’t annotated any 1989 Garcia Band. For my money, 1988-1989 is one of the great JGB periods, which a fresh and healthy Jerry (that’s what starts to break down, for me, 1990-1991), solid band, some fresh material, rehearsed arrangements, and lots of classic American songs. Nothing too crazy, lots of…