Category: Lenny Hart

  • Lenny Hart’s term of employment

    I had never quite seen this much specificity on the dates around Lenny Hart, but in combination with some other factors (Gar talking about the situation with Rakow at the Family Dog, which the GD were playing through 3/1/70), this really seems pretty precise. Hart was arrested July 26 in San Diego on a Marin…

  • “Once in a while, …”

    .. you know the rest. Was just processing a 1975 article from Hit Parader, of all things. Yet a few things catch my eye: Gives working title for The Movie, soon-to-be released film There is Nothing Like A Grateful Dead Show.  Maybe this was out there, but I don’t remember seeing this in print like…

  • Oscuro – February 2, 1975

    (Editorial note: I debated whether to post this, for two reasons. First, these are people’s lives. I will try to stick to the facts. Second, as an aesthetic proposition, obscurity needs to be done in moderation — it isn’t always fun to try to take in, in looking at a painting or in trying to…

  • Darkness, Darkness

    **Fulsomely updated, 11/28/2014 at 12:34 PM, GMT -0700)** **update2: Blogger is making me crazy. Sorry for poor formatting** This post now needs to be completely reconstituted. 1. San Diego papers  I mentioned in my 11/18/73 post that the San Diego State Daily Aztec is digitized and online. Bravo, and thank you, librarians! They have also,…

  • An Evening With the Gratetul Dead

    edited 20110502 am LN It is presently “commonly known” that the “An Evening With The Grateful Dead” show concept / set format debuted in Alfred, NY on Friday, May 1, 1970 [Jerrybase | shnid-95683 |]. McNally (2002, 366) narrates things this way, Deadlists’ entry presents the show in conventional AEWTGD form, and so…