Category: listening notes

  • The Bicycle Rule: Don’t Stop Pedaling, or You Might Fall Over (JGB at the Stone, November 10-11, 1986)

    LN jg1986-11-10.jgb.all.aud-corley.17749.shn2flacLN jg1986-11-11.jgb.all.aud-ty.94632.flac1644 Not a lot happening here one way or the other. It’s a Monday-Tuesday night, Jerry sounds a little tired, even Corley’s tape from the 10th sounds a little muffled. Jerry Garcia BandThe Stone412 BroadwaySan Francisco, CA  November 10, 1986 (Monday) – 9 PMCorley shnid-17749 sh2flac –set I (8 tracks, 7 tunes, 52:51)–s1t01. ambience [0:13]s1t02.…

  • If ACT = JGMS and Taper = Louis Falanga, and YYMM = 7402, does XX = 17?

    I recently wrote that in engaging any Garcia event, I first want to pin down the who, the where, and the what. So I want the sociometric, geometric, and the chronometric particulars … If I can pin down those three pieces about any given event with reasonable certainty, I feel like it “exists” in a…

  • Open-Air Vasseur: JGB at Shoreline, July 26, 1992

    LN jg1992-07-26.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.141462.flac1644 Brief listening notes. Vasseur Warfield tapes are incredible. Vasseur Shoreline tapes are … incredible. So much air in this mics. Wow. Jerry does some extra percussive stuff in a few places that I found noteworthy. Guy who called out “Reuben!” and got it must have been pretty fired up. I would have been. I…

  • Brief Encounters of the Weird Kind: JGB at Penn State, December 11, 1977

    jg1977-12-11.jgb.all.sbd-sirmick.80773.flac1644 Again, listening notes may be briefer for awhile. Certainly, these are bullet-style. David Gans once said something to the effect that Garcia exhibits the shortest distance between spirit and fingertip of any musician he knows. That’s probably not quite right, but it was something like this. A reviewer from this last show of the…

  • How Come History’s Got to Take Such a Long, Long Time? JGB, Warfield, Sunday, May 3, 1992

    LN jg1992-05-03.jgb.all.aud-lucien.106771.flac1648 I just don’t always have a lot to say, but want to put these here to invite others to comment. I enjoyed this. Some mumblyverse, but some real depth of feeling, too. I really enjoyed this version of “The Maker”, with a little extra vocalization at the end that I can’t quite make out…

  • Don’t judge a tape by the gear: JGB at Stages, East St. Louis, May 23, 1983

    The only tape circulating for the Garcia Band show at Stages in East St. Louis, May 23, 1983, was recorded using the built-in mics of a Sony D6 by one Steven Shayman. Looks like it entered circulation in June 2004 as a shn fileset put together by Dr. Chris Ladner (neo_levo) as part of the…

  • Expressway Day: Garcia-Saunders at the Golden Bear, Huntington Beach, December 29, 1974

    I woke up this morning with “Expressway (To Your Heart)” playing in my head. Not just any Expressway, mind you. But the one played by Jerry and Merl and crew (possibly calling themselves Legion of Mary backstage and such) at the Golden Bear in Huntington Beach on December 29, 1974, to end (or just about)…

  • Slowly Unraveled Over You: JGB 3c at Keystone Palo Alto, April 9, 1977

    Obviously I am catching up on posting some listening notes. Quality will be even more variable than usual. LN jg1977-04-09.jgb.all.aud-bunjes.13361.shn2flac Some tapes travel unlikely paths to our ears. Here’s an unattributed aud tape, the only one circulating, which went to Germany before coming out into the broader world. I really love the feel of it. It’s…

  • Chatty Cathy in the House: JGB at the Stone, December 18, 1981

    LN jg1981-12-18.jgb.all.aud-martin.16379.shn2flac I recently learned the term “chompers” to describe people who talk through shows. Well, this phenomenon is as old as time, with the triad of the drum, the chomper and the shusher perhaps very nearly co-constituting each other In The Beginning. Bill Kreutzmann drums, the chomper talks all show long, and I don’t really…

  • Little Legal Matters: JGB #1 at Keystone, November 8, 1975

    LN jg1975-11-08.jgb.all.aud-castelli-motb-0151.109001.flac1644 ad for JGB 11/8/75 at Keystone, SFSECDB-19751102-p31 Not going to do long listening notes, so a few random bits from this one. First, “Micky” [sic] Hopkins. Heh heh. We are easily amused here. Also @Corry: the ad says advance tickets at BASS, but that was absolutely not the case for any Jerry show at…