Category: LOM

  • All By Myself: Legion of Mary, April 5, 1975 late show at the Cap, Passaic, NJ

    LN jg1975-04-05.lom.late.aud-SC.147761.flac1644 Ticket stub for Legion of Mary, April 5, 1975, Capitol Theatre, Passaic, NJ – 11:30 PM late showNB misspelling of “Capital”. Image courtesy of Very listenable audience tape with everything present. Nice show – I like everything here, even “Sitting In Limbo”, which I don’t always love. “Wicked Messenger” – my goodness, what…

  • They Really Are a Scree-um: Legion of Mary at Keystone, Thursday, May 22, 1975

    LN jg1975-05-22.lom.all.aud-menke-falanga-motb-0044.87156.flac2496 I just revisited 5/21/75, and it left me a little bit … whelmed. By contrast, at some point between downloading the files in 2011 and today, I listened to and noted the next night, and I *loved* it. The Bob Menke – Louis Falanga aud belongs in the freaking Smithsonian. This stands as…

  • Take the Road Before Us and Sing a Chorus or Two: Legion of Mary at Keystone, May 21, 1975

    jg1975-05-21.lom.all.mtx-tobin-motb-0050.87219.flac1644 I recently gave 6/16/82 a listen to evaluate whether it merited its lofty reputation, or whether it might be exhibiting a case of the Cornells. I decided it was as good as its reputation. Staying with that démarche, a week ago I spun 5/21/75, Legion of Mary at the Keystone, which has long circulated…

  • Legion of Mary at the Arie Crown Theatre, Chicago, April 18, 1975

    LN jg1975-04-18.lom.all.composite-proctor-droncit.124466.flac1644 Thought I’d spin this one on its 45 anniversary yesterday. The only moment of the show that made me sit up some was the meltiness at the end of La-La, which could have gone anywhere and ended up going nowhere. After mostly getting through the show yesterday, I thought to myself “It’s no wonder…

  • Legion of Mary at 8162 Melrose, March 7, 1975

    LN jg1975-03-07.lom.early.aud-ladner.23338.shn2flac I wanted to hear “The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game”, the only circulating version from this time period, so I revisited the whole show. Nothing else jumped out at me, but man is that a great song. Legion Of Mary Pitschell Players Cabaret 8162 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90048 March 7,…

  • Catholics listing the Legion

    The very Catholic USF Foghorn mentioning the LOM gig 3/14/75: “yes, that’s the Legion of Mary“. ! mention: San Francisco Foghorn (University of San Francisco), March 14, 1975, p. 8. ! seealso: “By the Grace of the Lord: Legion of Mary at the Masonic Temple, Scranton, April 12, 1975” h/t Yellow Shark

  • Dating the Legion’s Demise: A Revisionist Account

    The demise of the Legion of Mary, Garcia’s principal side band from Ronnie Tutt’s arrival on December 6, 1974 until mid-1975, remains one of the enduring mysteries of the Garciaverse. The “why” is the biggest mystery of all. After almost five years of steady gigging and recording Garcia is said to have walked away. I…

  • Garcia’s Creative Accounting, late March 1975

    In late March 1975, Peter Simon interviewed Garcia at the “film house”  (230 Eldridge Avenue, Mill Valley, CA, 94941), for publication in New Age Journal (Simon 1975). NAJ: You’re also doing a solo album and touring with Merl Saunders. In that you have so many projects at once, how do you channel your energy so…

  • Jerry and Merl in the studio, 1975

    Found this item in the LA Free Press (June 27 – July 3, 1975, p. 14): “Danny [sic] Selwell [sic] has been buzzing ’round the studio scene, putting time in with Art Garfunkle [sic], Steve Marriott … Jerry Garcia and Merle [sic] Saunders”. Having found nothing on Danny “Selwell”, I wrote So interesting. Jerry and…

  • Latest Legion Listing

    Funny the things that pop up. Here’s a listing from the Marin Independent-Journal of July 25, 1975 for Legion of Mary at the Great American Music Hall on Wednesday, July 30, 1975. Of course, the last known Legion gig having been on July 6th, this listing caught my eye. What does it mean? I don’t…