Category: LOM

  • Review of Legion of Mary 12/15/74 EMU Ballroom

    With the release of this show, thought I’d post the review that I have in my collection. The release sounds fantastic, and I am loving it so far. If I had time to blog, I’d analyze the liner notes and the music and the gigs and all that. But, no time. Deaddisc has an entry…

  • LN jg1975-04-05.lom.early.aud-CC.xxxxxx.flac2448

    So, this show has not really circulated complete, unless it does and I missed it. Nice to hear the John Scher introduction intact. The first 60 minutes have never made the digital jump, as far as I know. There’s a “Creepin’” here, which is conceptually interesting but practically, to my ears, not so much. We…

  • Grandma said, ‘Boy, go and follow your heart’: JGMS at Keystone Berkeley, November 27, 1974

    LN jg1974-11-27.jgms.106mins.sbd-GEMS.91343.flac1644 Just a few quick notes. 1) Paul Humphrey drumming. The drummer is fast and great. He is noted in Rex’s handwriting on the box for reel #3. 2) Some of this material is just amazing. “Valdez In The Country” and “Freedom Jazz Dance” should make us very Grateful that Merl was there to…

  • JGMS January 21-22, 1975, Keystone, Berkeley

    Keystone Berkeley events calendar, January-February 1975 I hadn’t seen this one before. It includes information on two previously unlisted Jerry Garcia-Merl Saunders gigs, on Tuesday-Wednesday, January 21-22, 1975, at Keystone, 2119 University Avenue in Berkeley. Also includes a couple of Howard Wales gigs, information on opening acts for Kingfish on 1/24-25, and a little notice…

  • April 1975 Legion of Mary tapes

    Some brave souls at Lossless Legs are wading into the waters of the April 1975 Legion of Mary tapes. I fear that, like all those who have come before, these tapes will defy our collective ability to pin down what’s what (correct dates and such). Most importantly, this shit seems to have come in bits…

  • By the Grace of the Lord: Legion of Mary at the Masonic Temple, Scranton, April 12, 1975

    LN jg1975-04-12.lom.late.sbd-gems.117832.flac1644 Legion of Mary Masonic Temple 420 North Washington AvenueScranton, PA 18503 April 12, 1975, 11 p.m. late show (Saturday) sbd gems shnid-117832 –late show, 11 pm, main set + encore (7 tracks, 91:36)– –late show, main set (6 tracks, xx:xx)– t01. Let It Rock [12:27] [0:16] % [0:04] t02. tuning [0:38], La-La [12:44] (1)…

  • The Tutt Rule: JGMS at the Keystone, June 22, 1975

    LN jg1975-06-22.jgms.all.aud-menke-falanga-motb-0048.87236.flac1644 Update: 4/20/2020: I now refer to this as JGMS, because Ron Tutt is not drumming, and Greg Errico is. Less importantly, but not unimportantly, while all of the external materials refer to the group as Legion of Mary, Rex Jackson labeled his tape boxes Jerry & Merl. Sometimes I have a modest tendency…

  • The April 1975 Legion of Mary Tour

    LN jg1975-04-10.lom.early.aud-moore.117250.flac2496 In April 1975, Legion of Mary (Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, Martin Fierro, John Kahn and Ronnie Tutt) went on its only tour, performing, by my count, twenty-five shows in the seventeen days between April 4th and April 20th (inclusive). They started in Brooklyn, spent a bunch of time in the core Northeast (New…

  • Legion of Mary: earliest mention?

    **update: March 1, 1975 was probably the formal Bay Area debut of the name. In addition to the materials here, Todd Tolces had a piece in the 3/1/75 Melody Maker talking about the new name. It is now my estimation that the name Legion of Mary, with Ron Tutt drumming, dates to December 6, 1974.…

  • Workingman’s Tracker’s JGMS and LOM Project

    Update: thanks to the good folks at WT, the forum posts are now public. Thank you! There is a Garcia/Saunders and Legion of Mary Project going on at Workingman’s Tracker, organized by user SteveSw. He’s posting great reviews of about one recording per day, using only the best sources from ’71-’75. The project is scheduled…