Category: LOM
LOM 19750522 note
Thank you, Bob Menke and Louis Falanga. That’s all.
JGB: September 19, 1975, Crabshaw Corner, Sacramento, CA
Thanks to Corry for answering my query on January 26, 1976 which also included a question about 11/4/78. Before starting my post, I just want to take a second to recognize Corry’s role in Garcia historiography. He has been not only an essential bridge across different documents (Soto, McNally) and traditions (from handwritten lists to…
Cat in the Limelight: RN Grosswald and Blavat 1978
Grosswald, Mike and Glen Blavat. 1978. Jerry Garcia’s Band Under the Stars. Happytimes (Philadelphia), March 31, 1978, p. 15. Grosswald-Bavat 1978: This is a really nicely done piece from what I assume was a Philly underground paper, Happytimes, around the time of the JGB’s visit to that town in mid-March (3/16/78 at the Spectrum Theatre).…
JGMS: “July 21-22,” 1974, Keystone, Berkeley, CA
**updated 20111216 2057 GMT** Tony Saunders is the bassist on these two tapes. The Jerry Site has listings for Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders at Keystone, Berkeley, on July 21 and July 22, 1974. I doubt both date/venue combinations, for reasons I’ll lay out below. A) “JGMS 7/21/74, Keystone, Berkeley” This first date is so…