Category: LOM

  • LOM 19750522 note

    Thank you, Bob Menke and Louis Falanga. That’s all.

  • JGB: September 19, 1975, Crabshaw Corner, Sacramento, CA

    Thanks to Corry for answering my query on January 26, 1976 which also included a question about 11/4/78. Before starting my post, I  just want to take a second to recognize Corry’s role in Garcia historiography. He has been not only an essential bridge across different documents (Soto, McNally) and traditions (from handwritten lists to…

  • Cat in the Limelight: RN Grosswald and Blavat 1978

    Grosswald, Mike and Glen Blavat. 1978. Jerry Garcia’s Band Under the Stars. Happytimes (Philadelphia), March 31, 1978, p. 15. Grosswald-Bavat 1978: This is a really nicely done piece from what I assume was a Philly underground paper, Happytimes, around the time of the JGB’s visit to that town in mid-March (3/16/78 at the Spectrum Theatre).…

  • JGMS: “July 21-22,” 1974, Keystone, Berkeley, CA

    **updated 20111216 2057 GMT** Tony Saunders is the bassist on these two tapes. The Jerry Site has listings for Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders at Keystone, Berkeley, on July 21 and July 22, 1974. I doubt both date/venue combinations, for reasons I’ll lay out below. A) “JGMS 7/21/74, Keystone, Berkeley” This first date is so…