Category: members

  • First Night Out for Kemper: Keystone Palo Alto, 7/20/83 (WED)

    LN jg1983-07-20.jgb.all.aud-CC.xxxxxx.flac2448 First night out for drummer David Kemper and Gloria Jones. (See also “Second night out for Kemper: The Stone, 7/21/83“.) This was conventionally considered the first show for vocalist Gloria Jones, but the late ’83 Garcia Band tour still featured DeeDeeDickerson, and as of 2020 I am quite sure that DDD was around…

  • Grandma said, ‘Boy, go and follow your heart’: JGMS at Keystone Berkeley, November 27, 1974

    LN jg1974-11-27.jgms.106mins.sbd-GEMS.91343.flac1644 Just a few quick notes. 1) Paul Humphrey drumming. The drummer is fast and great. He is noted in Rex’s handwriting on the box for reel #3. 2) Some of this material is just amazing. “Valdez In The Country” and “Freedom Jazz Dance” should make us very Grateful that Merl was there to…

  • JGB: June 23, 1977: Benefit Concert for the Survival of the Forest Community of Camp Meeker

    On Thursday, June 23, 1977, Jerry Garcia Band (JGB) out-of-pattern early and late shows at Santa Rosa High School. High school gigs were pretty unusual for Garcia at any point (beyond early Grateful Dead), but by the late 1970s it almost always meant that there was some personal connection, somehow, to Garcia. For example, Garcia-Kahn…

  • The Group In and Around the Sarah Era: Boarding House, 1/24/73

    LN jg1973-01-24.jgms.early-late.sbd-nfagdtrfb.100216.flac1644 update: this post has so  many old links to the evil db.etree – please never use that URL. Substitute etreedb wherever you see db.etree. Thank you. (Man oh man does Blogger’s formatting suck. One can’t compose online, because stuff can get lost [viz my long beautiful post on Wales-Garcia 1/26/72]. One can’t compose…

  • The Merle [sic] Saunders Experience: Boarding House, January 25, 1973

    LN jg1973-01-25.jgms.early-late.sbd.7670.shn2flac1644 Introduction Not long ago I posted a set of notes on JGMS 1/15/73 at the Inn of the Beginning, the second known date (and the earliest circulating tape) of the Garcia-Saunders-Kahn-Vitt group to include singer Sarah Fulcher. The Sarah Era, as I’ll call it, holds lots of appeal: she’s a mysterious figure about…

  • When Jerry Met Freddie: NRPS, Wednesday, November 25, 1970: Keystone Korner

    New Riders of the Purple Sage Keystone Korner 750 Vallejo Street San Francisco, CA 94133 November 25, 1970 (Wednesday) Listing for NRPS at Keystone Korner, 750 Vallejo Street, San Francisco, CA, Wednesday, November 25, 1970. Source: “Opening Today,” San Francisco Chronicle, November 25, 1970, p. 35. “Finds” are fun, and here’s one: New Riders of…

  • Expressway to Homer’s: JGMS in Palo Alto, May 4, 1973

    LN jg1973-05-04.jgms.all.sbd-alligator.31283.flac1644 I. Introduction Acquisitiveness is a real affliction. Not only is it unattractive in its own right, but the pursuit of the “unhad” oftentimes crowds out other, periodically more productive activities. Consider my own pursuit of Garcia recordings. While I imagine what could be on a tape (real or imagined) that I don’t have,…

  • Stirring It Up with E.W. Wainwright: JGMS, Keystone Berkeley, March 9, 1974

    LN jg1974-03-09.jgms.all-1.sbd-alligator.33750.flac1644 Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders (JGMS) Keystone 2119 University Avenue Berkeley, CA 94704 March 9, 1974 (Saturday) The recent slow pace of posting is exceeded by the even slower pace of my listening. I have been able to do very little for quite some time. I did manage to sneak in some notes…

  • The Tutt Rule: JGMS at the Keystone, June 22, 1975

    LN jg1975-06-22.jgms.all.aud-menke-falanga-motb-0048.87236.flac1644 Update: 4/20/2020: I now refer to this as JGMS, because Ron Tutt is not drumming, and Greg Errico is. Less importantly, but not unimportantly, while all of the external materials refer to the group as Legion of Mary, Rex Jackson labeled his tape boxes Jerry & Merl. Sometimes I have a modest tendency…

  • Is Jimmy Here? JGB, Keystone Palo Alto, January 23, 1981

    LN jg1981-01-23.jgb.all.aud-latvala.97205.flac1644 Well, I hear some electric piano here (see notes), but I think it’s Melvin. So, as Corry indicated, this (along with 1/22/81) might be a hitherto unknown quartet configuration of Garcia, Kahn, Seals and Shaw — no Jimmy Warren on second keys, as traditionally believed. Otherwise, nothing to write home about, to my…