Category: Merl Saunders

  • Context: May 1976 BAM listings

    More color. May 21, 1976, Garcia Band plays Orpheum in San Francisco, while Garcia’s erstwhile bandmate, Merl, is stuck playing Fonzie’s in San Jose, the latter mostly still orchards and low riders rather than silicon and Teslas. And other fun stuff. Oh, and it looks like Mingus didn’t play Keystone Korner in May ’76. I…

  • Merl Saunders – May 28, 1972

    Corry has done more than anyone to probe into the relative blank spot that is summer 1972 for the Jerry Garcia – Merl Saunders live aggregation. (general) (Garcia with Guaraldi at Pierce Street Annex As Corry says in the latter post, linking to the former: “there were almost no Garcia-Saunders shows in 1972,…

  • RN Sandy Troy’s Captain Trips (1994)

    Reading Notes Troy, Sandy. 1994. Captain Trips: A Biography of Jerry Garcia. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press. JG devoted to music Troy 1994, xiii JG was into all kinds of music: folk, bluegrass, country, acid rock, R&B, gospel, jazz. But he never dabbled, he always “plunged in” Troy 1994, xiii Jose Ramon Garcia emigrated from…

  • Carlos Santana and Merl Saunders – February 22, 1971, Matrix, San Francisco

    Wasserman, John L. 1971. The Big Sound At Lake Tahoe [“Something Else” subhead], San Francisco Chronicle, February 22, 1971, p. 40. The Chicken’s Matrix list  doesn’t show a few of these Matrix gigs, so I’ll throw them out there. Monday; February 22, 1971; Carlos Santana and Merl Saunders Tuesday; February 23, 1971; Larry Coryell Wednesday;…

  • The Merle [sic] Saunders Experience: Boarding House, January 25, 1973

    LN jg1973-01-25.jgms.early-late.sbd.7670.shn2flac1644 Introduction Not long ago I posted a set of notes on JGMS 1/15/73 at the Inn of the Beginning, the second known date (and the earliest circulating tape) of the Garcia-Saunders-Kahn-Vitt group to include singer Sarah Fulcher. The Sarah Era, as I’ll call it, holds lots of appeal: she’s a mysterious figure about…

  • Merl Saunders, October 19, 1970

    Found this interesting. One thing I think we have learned is that, perhaps contrary to assumptions over the years, Garcia came home to the Bay Area whenever there were a few days between GD shows when they were on tour. At least, that’s how I read the evidence from ca. 1970. As a result, the…

  • Merl’s Birthday Generosity: Aunt Monk, February 14, 1975

    LN jg1975-02-14.aunt-monk.142mins.aud-castelli-motb-0149.108896.flac1644 Thought I’d throw in my 2/14/75 notes too, having just done 5/9/75. MOTB Release: 0149 16/44.1 Release Date: 2010-07-10 Band: Legion of Mary Date: 1975-02-14  (Friday) Venue: The Generosity Location: San Francisco, CA Analog Audience Source: FOB Master Cassettes (MAC) Medium Stock Brands: MAC = 2 x Maxell UD C120’s Analog Lineage: Sony…

  • Odes to Joy: Aunt Monk at the Generosity, May 9, 1975

    LN jg1975-05-09.aunt-monk.84mins.aud-castelli-motb-0144.107829.flac1644 For a couple of years, the good people at Mouth of the Beast (MOTB) were dropping some ridiculously great and important listening material on the masses. Most important, from the perspective of Garcia on the Side (GOTS) were the Robert Castelli tapes, a handful of recordings made by the gentleman of that name…

  • An Echo at Reconstruction’s Ending

    JG19790929: Reconstruction: Saturday, September 29, 1979, Keystone Palo Alto (UNCERTAIN) Listing for Reconstruction at Keystone Palo Alto, 9/29/79, from BAM no. 63 (September 1, 1979), p. 14. Like lots of us, I have been really busy. I’ll resist temptation to say a whole lot about this, but will try hard to just put it out…

  • Recently added to TJS, Saunders images

    I am sure everyone who reads here knows one can follow changes at The Jerry Site (there’s also an RSS feed). TJS admin slip_not has been adding some nice data from poster and handbill images shared at the Merl Saunders Facebook page. Since these photos are shared intentionally downloadable from Facebook, and acting on the…